Gigantour @ The Aragon 5/06/08


Jose Saladbar
Feb 12, 2007
Elgin, IL
Got there about 7pm as COB was finishing their set, perfect timing actually as the only bands I wanted to see was In Flames and Megadeth, actually I just wanted to see Chris play. I haven’t been to the Aragon in years, I actually forgot how nice the place looks compared to some of the venues that I’ve been to lately.
The audience was rather younger than I was expecting, there were 3 huge Hot Topic banners above the stage so I kinda got a clue what the target audience for this show was.
InFlames started off their set, I was ready to be disappointed and boy did they live up to my expectations.
I find it funny that 6 yrs ago I saw the Jag Panzer/In Flames/Iced Earth show at the Metro and 6 yrs later I got to see IE, InFlames and Chris Broderick again! Only this time In Flames was a mere shadow of that band that I saw back in ’02. They played “Only for the weak” and another tune that I didn’t recognize that was actually good but they mainly stuck to stuff from their latest album. I think this show was the last nail in the coffin for me, I guess I’m left with the memory of what a great band they once were cause last night they bored me to death.
Now it was time for Chris Broderick to hit the stage…..errr….I mean Megadeth. As much as I think that Dave Mustaine is a douche I have to admit they were freaking incredible that night. James LoMenzo was awesome as was the drummer, they played a lot of old songs which seemed to please the crowd and myself. I really liked how they didn’t stop after every single song, instead they busted right into the next one. This was great because we got to hear a shitload of songs fro a 90 minute set.
Chris was awesome as expected, he played all those solos note for note (like buttah!) and even had a little solo spot before “Tornado of Souls”. I don’t recall any Megadeth guitarist ever doing that (other than Mustaine of course).
Only 2 complaints, parking sucked as usual. We ended up parking about 6 blocks away although after the show the walk felt rather good after being in that sauna that is the Aragon. Also the sound wasn’t all that great, I could barely make out what Mustaine was saying between songs and you could barely hear his singing (I was about 30 feet from the stage too).
Overall I had a great time, the show ended around 10pm which was great considering it was a Tuesday, all weekday shows should be like this!!

I know I said I wasn’t going to this show because of what Mustaine did to Warmachine but I was in the guestlist so he didn’t get a single penny from me.
Nice. I never could really get into In Flames and am really not a Megadeth fan, so I can't comment.
So responding to this thread is kind of pointless, Ha Ha!
But glad you enjoyed the show!

The last time I was at the Aragon was for Slayer.
The entire floor was a mosh pit. And it was so damn hot in there that my eyeliner melted down my face. I looked like Alice friggin' Cooper by the end of the night....sweet.

And yes...parking blows.
i saw this in toronto the other day and going to expect In Flames play stuff from their older albums is pretty dumb especially with a new album out last month. Sure I dont like the new stuff but you can't expect them to play it, and they were amazing, best band there, except the music is weak.

And if I was closer to the stage, I would've been yelling out Jag Panzer songs, he was defitenely good for MegaDave and as you noticed never saw anyone play a solo cept Dave there
Chris Broderick is the man. What a beast on guitar.

I'm sad he's not in Jag Panzer anymore, but Mechanized Warfare and Casting The Stones are two killer albums. Maybe I'll get to see Jag Panzer live yet.
i saw this in toronto the other day and going to expect In Flames play stuff from their older albums is pretty dumb especially with a new album out last month.

I agree, that's why nowhere in my post did I say I was expecting them to play "old" songs. All I said is that their live show was nowhere near what it was 6 yrs ago. It just didn't flow, Jesper stood still for almost the whole night and the drummer screwed up one of the new songs when he continued playing when the song was over.
I know where you are coming from though, When Iron Maiden played their whole new album live 2 yrs ago it was one of the best shows I've seen them play, but a lot of people bitched because they didn't stick to the old songs.
I can't add too much to this since Jose and I talked about it on the way home last night and were in agreement with everything. Thanks again for thinking of me to take to the show! :rock:

I also was not going to go to this show when it was first announced. I could care less about Job For A Cowboy and High On Fire. In Flames is a disappointing band to see anymore and damn, how many times can I see Megadeth? :lol:

The other older In Flames tune that you were referring to Jose was off of "Whoracle". We were both laughing because the crowd had no clue what they were playing. They just have a different fanbase now. The only band member that seems to not be bored is Anders, but well, he loves the direction they have taken.

Don't forget to check out Jesper's other project Dimension Zero, Jose.

For me it doesn't matter who Dave has playing with him anymore...I close my eyes and it still sounds like Megadeth "back in the day". Top notch and they never do disappoint me live. It is funny to see a more humble Dave compared to the Dave of yesterday...always picking a verbal fight with someone in the crowd. :lol:

All in all it was a good night and I am glad that I went.
I can't remember the last time I missed a Megadeth show..I guess after seeing them 50 times I got sick of hearing the same setlist....over..and over....and over....glad you enjoyed it.