O\T The Who.


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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If you don't like this song, you should be castrated....or not.

Watch Keith Moon. What an amzing drummer.....fucking great band!
One of the greatest bands ever. They remind me of Queen in one way, each member brought something unique and special to the band and the sum was greater than the parts.
See Johnny's your post. The title is "Baba O' Reilly" NOT "Teenage Wastelend." Love the Who.

Isn't it Baba O'Riley, the Riley being a reference to minimalist composer Terry Riley, whose work influenced the opening part of the track.
I loath it when people call that song teenage wasteland...

the who are fucking awesome, and not to be all music nazi-like, like IMF09... but you're an idiot... or not, but at the very least have poor taste in music.

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