O/T: Things on my mind (both good and bad)

The Man

Franks and beans!
Feb 4, 2002
Gautier, MS
1-anyone who hadn't hear the new killswitch engage cd needs to go out and get it NOW! this is honestly one of the best non-anthrax albums i have heard in about 2 years. there are very few "newer" bands that impress me, but they are one of them. howard jones has such a great voice. i heard their last record with the old vocalist and it was good, but not great. this one is top notch. there is not a song on the cd i don't like and that is very rare for me.

2-i figured out one thing i hate more than anything else right now. those damned boost mobile commercials. if you don't know what i'm talking about it's those damn commercials where there's an old lady talking like a 13 year old girl about two waying her home girl, going to a banging party, or getting her freak on in some rapper's limo. i absolutely cannot stand these fucking commercials. they make it seem cool to talk like a moron with a 20 word vocabulary. this is what's wrong with america, people. shit like this is turning our kids into morons. we need to find those bitches in the commercials and beat them for making our kids stupid.

3-i got a new dvd recorder this weekend. it's a phillips dvdr75 standalone recorder. if anyone is considering getting a dvd recorder i highly recommend this one. it's $279 at best buy.

4-speaking of best buy, has anyone noticed that every single time you pass an employee there they have to look at you and say hello. that's so fucking annoying. i just want to be left alone unless i have a question. i know for sure it's annoying to them because i work at a casino and we have an almost identical thing where we have to greet and say goodbye to people we come in contact with. it sucks for everyone.

5-I HATE SHAVING!!!! i'm sure almost all you guys out there will back me up on this. if i never had to shave again in my life i wouldn't. i would let my beard grow down to my balls and then maybe i'd trim it a couple inches. i have sensitive skin, so no matter what i do i get razor burn. i use shaving cream with aloe and double bladed razors with vitamin e and aloe strips. i shave slowly and carefully and i still get razor burn. i'm 27, so it's not like i'm new to the world of shaving either. one thing i do notice though, is that if i haven't shaved for at least 4-5 days it's not so bad when i do, but if i shave after only 1-2 days it hurts like hell. seems like the more hair i have the less painful it is to shave it off. anyone have a scientific explanation for this?

well, enough ranting for now i suppose. later.
1-anyone who hadn't hear the new killswitch engage cd needs to go out and get it NOW! I haven't heard it, wasn't a huge fan of thier last album, but thought it was okay.
2-i figured out one thing i hate more than anything else right now. those damned boost mobile commercials. Yep! And then we wonder why other counties call us "Stupid and/or Lazy Americans"
That's EXACTLY what we are. Stupid, Lazy and Proud! (just look at American made automobiles)

3-i got a new dvd recorder this weekend. I want to get a DVD camcorder thingy. Are you talking about that? Or are you talking about a DVD burner? (I'm a stupid and lazy American)

4-speaking of best buy, has anyone noticed that every single time you pass an employee there they have to look at you and say hello. that's so fucking annoying. I'm supposed to do the same bullshit at my work, but what do I look like? Some guy who's not lazy?

5-I HATE SHAVING!!!! I hear ya! I haven't shaved my balls in over a week! Better get to it for you fans in Chicago!
3-i got a new dvd recorder this weekend. I want to get a DVD camcorder thingy. Are you talking about that? Or are you talking about a DVD burner? (I'm a stupid and lazy American)

I personally would not get a DVD camcorder (I believe you are talking about the new camcorders that record onto a minitype DVDs). I would get a good quality Digital Camcorder that records onto a memory stick or a digital tape. DVD Camcorders are too expensive, the DVDs are way overpriced, the quality is almost the same as a Digital Camcorder, and the DVDs do not play on all home DVD players. I have a feeling these wont improve for quite a few more years. I had one, took it back after a few days. I hated it. I ended up getting a Sony DCR-TRV22 with a huge memory card, and a decent DVD burner to go with it. I personally enjoy it so much more.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
3-i got a new dvd recorder this weekend. I want to get a DVD camcorder thingy. Are you talking about that? Or are you talking about a DVD burner? (I'm a stupid and lazy American)

I personally would not get a DVD camcorder (I believe you are talking about the new camcorders that record onto a minitype DVDs). I would get a good quality Digital Camcorder that records onto a memory stick or a digital tape. DVD Camcorders are too expensive, the DVDs are way overpriced, the quality is almost the same as a Digital Camcorder, and the DVDs do not play on all home DVD players. I have a feeling these wont improve for quite a few more years. I had one, took it back after a few days. I hated it. I ended up getting a Sony DCR-TRV22 with a huge memory card, and a decent DVD burner to go with it. I personally enjoy it so much more.
I agree. They look way overpriced. The DVDs you record on are only 30 mins long. Doesn't seem worth it since you're going to want to edit what you record most of the time. Whatever you get for a camcorder, do NOT, DO NOT buy a Canon camcorder. It might have the best optical zoom for your dollar but other than that they suck.

NP: Rush - Summertime Blues mp3
DarbysDad said:
Shaving might suck but unless you have a soft beard you need to keep that face smooth for the ladies.
I don´t know if I´m unmanly or just lucky. When I got my hair cut last week me and the lady who cuts it started talking about well... my hair. She said my hair seems to grow real fast since it was barely two months since I cut it last time and asked if I have to shave often. Apparently. if your hair grows fast so will your facial hair too.

But not mine. I only have to shave two times a week to stay smooth, and she thought that was strange. I hate shaving and while I whine about it I´m happy I don´t have to do it every day like some guys. Fuck masculinity... I´m happy about my babyface!

PS. I´ve always wondered if one could use those hair remover sprays on the chin. DS.
yeah i shave every 2-3 days to stay not noticable, but everyday to be smooth, it aint so bad, i do it just before i shower. that way i can get the cream off my face, also i use a mach 3 razor, nice and smooth and last a long time. i might get a schick quatro)4 blades) when this wears out, for some reason gileete sent it to me, no complaints. i was using the cheap bic ones they were uncomfortable as hell. and they ripped your skin up too.
I had a guy at school who had fully grown thick facial hair at 14 and he had to shave, as he said "Every single day". For some, that would be considered unlucky I suppose. Well, for most I guess.
I only shave like once a week or less and I have no hair around the jawline area, except for the chin of course. I actually said to my mom that I wanted a testosterone level check. I had it and I was fine, but I still think it's weird that at the age of 21 there's hardly any hair there. Maybe it was just transferred to my ass!!

By the way: Alive or just breathing is awesome, I can't believe so many of you guys thought it was just okay. I plan to buy it but that'll happen when I find the darn thing!! I just downloaded most of it to have a listen. This is no my last serenade.
When darkness falls is fucking amazing!!