O/T Trailer for the upcoming film I'm in

You should have gotten Quentin Tarantino to direct it.

Seriously though that's really cool.. are you looking to be an actor as your real profession?
You should have gotten Quentin Tarantino to direct it.

Seriously though that's really cool.. are you looking to be an actor as your real profession?

Thanks! I appreciate it! I'll do acting for indie films if it's something interesting that I'd like to be a part of. Acting is fun and I like to do it but I'll always be a musician at heart. The guys from Myzery Films are good friends of mine so I was more than happy to help them out for their first movie. I've been involved in indie horror for 3-4 years now. I was with 4th Floor Pictures (the logo on my avatar) till they closed shop. Doing this stuff is fun. I also work behind the scenes as set crew. It's fun dumping gallons of fake blood and people and getting it dumped on myself and playing with fake body parts and other props. You'd be surprised at the amount of work that gets put into making these. We can't always afford well known actors so we work with whatever is it at hand. It's a shame a lot of folks are too used to the dreck that hollywood flings at them to give an indie production much attention. As long as there's a good story to tell, then I'll definitely be involved. I also run a review site as well www.planetnerdreviews.blogspot.com. The last movie I was in, Stockholm Syndrome is available on Amazon or for rent on Netflix! I play a sadistic priest!

Quentin Tarantino? I WISH! haha But we do have Angelina Leigh in it, who did work for Playboy. :headbang:
Thanks! I appreciate it! I'll do acting for indie films if it's something interesting that I'd like to be a part of. Acting is fun and I like to do it but I'll always be a musician at heart. The guys from Myzery Films are good friends of mine so I was more than happy to help them out for their first movie. I've been involved in indie horror for 3-4 years now. I was with 4th Floor Pictures (the logo on my avatar) till they closed shop. Doing this stuff is fun. I also work behind the scenes as set crew. It's fun dumping gallons of fake blood and people and getting it dumped on myself and playing with fake body parts and other props. You'd be surprised at the amount of work that gets put into making these. We can't always afford well known actors so we work with whatever is it at hand. It's a shame a lot of folks are too used to the dreck that hollywood flings at them to give an indie production much attention. As long as there's a good story to tell, then I'll definitely be involved. I also run a review site as well www.planetnerdreviews.blogspot.com. The last movie I was in, Stockholm Syndrome is available on Amazon or for rent on Netflix! I play a sadistic priest!

Quentin Tarantino? I WISH! haha But we do have Angelina Leigh in it, who did work for Playboy. :headbang:

Cool stuff dude. I love movies.

What are you thinking about the upcoming Inglourious Basterds??