O/T: Will someone shut Paris Hilton up?!?


35 and counting...
May 2, 2005
Gurnee, IL
Found this on Comcast's newsfeed about socialite/actress/tv star/porn wanna-be/singer wanna-be Paris Hilton (story clipped):

"Paris" the album was set for release Tuesday. Hilton's breathy, reggae-infused single, "Stars Are Blind," has climbed to the top of Billboard's dance music chart.

Of her album, she says, "I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good."

Yeah, I'd be crying, too, if I had to listen to this shit.

Six words for you, Paris: Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!:devil: :devil: :devil:
dailyvault said:
"Paris" the album was set for release Tuesday. Hilton's breathy, reggae-infused single, "Stars Are Blind," has climbed to the top of Billboard's dance music chart.
Reggae? What does a skinny little rich white girl know about reggae!:rolleyes:
dailyvault said:
"Stars Are Blind," ....
Of her album, she says, "I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good."
Apparently, stars are deaf too (if you consider Paris a "star")

The fact that radio stations are even playing this narcissistic drivel so that it can climb that high on the charts just exemplifies everything that is wrong with music today.
remington69 said:
Maybe because she smokes a lot of pot?!?!
Trust me...that doesn't have anything to do with it, or I'd have dread locks and call myself "Bongmon"!:lol:
nafnikufesin said:
Apparently, stars are deaf too (if you consider Paris a "star")

The fact that radio stations are even playing this narcissistic drivel so that it can climb that high on the charts just exemplifies everything that is wrong with music today.
Nailed it!:kickass:
I think the Paris Hilton CD will be awesome...... for these purposes:

1) The booklet could make good toilet paper.
2) The actual case would make a good doorstop, or stop a chair from wobbling.
3) After those are gone, the actual disc could be used to hold my coffee cup.
4) I could tell stories to my children some 10 years from now about my horrific encounter... you know it's tough to come up with good stories anymore.

So there you have it. :)
Oinkness said:
I think the Paris Hilton CD will be awesome...... for these purposes:

1) The booklet could make good toilet paper.
2) The actual case would make a good doorstop, or stop a chair from wobbling.
3) After those are gone, the actual disc could be used to hold my coffee cup.
4) I could tell stories to my children some 10 years from now about my horrific encounter... you know it's tough to come up with good stories anymore.

So there you have it. :)
Oinkness said:
I think the Paris Hilton CD will be awesome...... for these purposes:

1) The booklet could make good toilet paper.

I'd be leery of that, chief... you could catch some weird disease.

4) I could tell stories to my children some 10 years from now about my horrific encounter... you know it's tough to come up with good stories anymore.

Kind of like the stories I tell my kids about my listening to Nitro II: Hot, Wet, Drippin' With Sweat. Yeesh.:puke:
DarbysDad said:
You nailed Paris - you must have been loaded :kickass: :Smokin: :zombie:
I must have been, since I don't remember it, but I'm sure it was the greatest 45 seconds of her life!:lol: