O/T: Wish me luck please: big time interview tomorrow!


Wish me luck, say a prayer or kill a goat or whatever it is you do (some of you scare me) Anyway, if this interview goes well, I'll have the job I'd like to keep for the next 29 years until I retire. I'm as nervous as a virgin on prom night :ill: Well, I gotta go watch my team play, and iron my suit.
Originally posted by TD
Wish me luck, say a prayer or kill a goat or whatever it is you do (some of you scare me) Anyway, if this interview goes well, I'll have the job I'd like to keep for the next 29 years until I retire. I'm as nervous as a virgin on prom night :ill: Well, I gotta go watch my team play, and iron my suit.

I'm sure that you will do well my man, I only know of some of your qualities, but I'd hire you from what I know. Hey, like my grandfather use to say, "everything happens for the best" so if you meant to get the job, then you will. But if you don't bud, that can only mean that a better one is waiting!


I know what the job hunt is like... SHITTY. I spent 5 months looking, and didn't start getting interviews until like a month and a half ago. Then I get offered a job, only to have the guy tell me two weeks later that he wasn't supposed to offer me the job yet and that I should, "hang out and wait 4-5 weeks" until he figures out what is going on. Fucking companies are stupid... eventually the market is gonna turn around, and all the people they shaft now won't give them the time of day.
It sucked balls. It was not, I repeat not for the position I was initially told it was for. Even had the interview went swimmingly, I could not have been hired for this position anyway, because I am not licensed for it (show's how much the potential employer pays attention) But I went ahead and did the interview to show my tenacity - considering I was interviewing for something I in no way am qualified for, it went pretty well. Kinda like the scene in office Space, I was just throwing out anything, and some on the interview team were like "wow, this is good" But alas, I won't be getting this job. The search continues.............
I just talked to my friend from way the hell back when, and I found out that two people I went to high school with are now teachers, one music (the most surprising one of all), one a sub. All the bands I knew broke up and switched members and formed new bands. All the boyfriends/girlfriends broke up and switched around too. I feel very old and out of it at the moment... :cry:
Who knows, TD? I have a friend who got a job teaching English and Spanish, although she wasn't licensed to teach Spanish. Somehow they were able to get her started and got her licensed after the fact....

Good luck, although it doesn't seem like you need it....

Sorry it wasn't what you thought it was gonna be. That sucks, but read what AugDawg's grandfather says (in Aug's post), and think positive.
So, the guys who interviewed you and wanted to give you the job (that you're not licensed for)? That, to me, is a very positive sign. You impressed them, dude.