Obscurus Advocam - Verbia Daemonicus


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I'll be blunt: I love this album. Obviously, they have a lot of Deathspell Omega influence. I also detect bit of Nachtmystium and possibly Watain in their sound. The vocals, in my opinion, are very exceptional. A nice grasp. Guitars have a nice tone. Half decent production as well. Just a very solid black metal release. Don't know what else to say, as usual. I guess "The next big thing in The French Black Metal scene" would be fitting for a close.



01. Bounded Artefact
02. Verbia Daemonicus
03. Starlight To Twilight - http://download.yousendit.com/1CE4B5D40A109EAA
04. To The Bone
05. Endarkenment - http://download.yousendit.com/E4ACBAE070CCEEAC
06. Blooming Disaster
07. Tale Of A Scorched Earth
Didn't listen it yet, but the cover is horrible example of bad photoshop "art".

i agree, plus i have no desire to listen to the album because the description is totally worthless. people need to stop comparing music to other bands and find some way to describe the sound. it's not that hard if you ask me. and no, I am not ripping on you EricT.
And I rarely use other bands to describe a bands sound, but I wasn't exactly reviewing the album, I was just trying to give a quick description with as little typing as I could possibly have to do. Easiest way to describe a bands sound with as little work as possible? Name the bands they are obviously influenced by.

But yeah, I see where your coming from MFJ (Was about to say Max, but it would have gotten confusing).
I wouldn't go THAT far, but its pretty god damn good. Haven't listened to it in a bit, think I'll listen while at work tomorrow.

I tracked down their demo a little bit ago, which is also pretty good, though the sound quality is crap. Have to turn off the subs to listen to it without my room being flooded by massive amounts of constant bass hum.

Edit: Also, funny note to some prior conversation in this thread: Was taking a look at some reviews and descriptions for this the other day, and pretty much every one I read had at some point mentioned "Deathspell Omega, Nachtmystium, or Watain... worship". I'm glad I'm not alone in having trouble describing it. :lol:
I described this to someone I was talking to and said that I definitely hear some Watain in it, and then I notice you mentioned them in this thread as well. I think it's the melodies that remind me of Watain.