Obsek - Traumatic Experiment FULL FREE DOWNLOAD


New Metal Member
Jan 3, 2011
Hello metalheads,
Obsek is proud to announce that our first full length, Traumatic Experiment, is now available for full, free download in high quality format at obsek.bandcamp.com

Obsek is a melodic deathcore band with inspirations ranging from Black Dahlia Murder, As I Lay Dying to more hardcore bands such as Misery Signals and 7 Angels 7 Plagues. Our first album takes the listener through the journey of a drug addict from his first joint to his eternal rest and tries to shed light on the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism.
Downloads of the album are based on a voluntary contribution. While we do appreciate if you donate 2, 5, or 10 bucks for our record, another, costless way to support us would be to share our music around and allow us to give free music to more people.

If you would be interested in buying a physical copy of the record, or for any other inquiries, please communicate with Simon Turcotte at obsekmusic@hotmail.com

Thank you,
Simon Côté and Obsek