Obsessive songs


invariably off-topic
Feb 19, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey guys, which songs or bands are currently stuck in your head in an almost obsessive way? I've had an almost insane obsession with Forgotten Tomb - House of Nostalgia for the last few weeks, simply because It's such a beautifully dark song. Another one is Paradise Lost - Don't Belong, for It's great infectiousness. The new Daylight Dies also has a bunch of songs that tend to leave me almost speechless. And that's quite a surprise, since I wasn't that into them before.

I'm however surprised at the quite small impact TGCD has had in this area. While I do thorougly enjoy "Rusted" and "July", most of the other tracks has failed to indroctinate me so far.
I just now managed to get Consternation out of my head… It haunted me a whole last week. Now the song that stuck in my head so strongly I can’t do anything with that is Thyrfing’s “The Voyager”. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’m ready to jump across the room singing its refrain :p
Heh, much of Thyrfing has that energy effect. "Vansinnesvisan" often has me screaming JÄVLAR ANAMMA, SVÄLT OCH BEDRÖVELSE, PEST OCH FÖRINTELSE, DÖD OCH FÖRBANNELSE YÅRGGHH!!1 more than necissary, especially combined with booze :p
death taxi for cutie :s- i follow you into the dark.
some stupid spanish crap my bros keep playing in my house and
Dissolving Bonds from the my twin EP - HOLY FUCK what an incredible song. I thank the band for creating such an awesome mood - I love it when music makes me feel the way this song does. I'm completely addicted to it and ain't stopping now....
sol invictus "death of the west"
moonspell "alma mater"
bak de syv fjell "de siste tanker"

usually when i listen to one of these i have to listen to it about 5 times over and i'll be like :kickass: all the time
stefan86 said:
Alma Mater is really nice. Too bad they abandoned that folky edge in their music nowadays.
HAVE YOU HEARD the new album though? it's fucking ace. they completely left the goth shit behind... the new album is all very riff-based, very heavy, growls, even blastbeats... there are two songs on the album that feature clean vocals at all.
Madder Mortem - Rust Cleansing, Misty Sleep
Gåte - Sjå Attende
Katatonia - Evidence, July
Moonspell - Trebraruna
Blind Guardian - Somewhee Far Beyond