obsidian conspiracy solo


Jeff was forced to exit along with Van due to economic reasons.

Van is too chubby and costs the band extra money in gas for travel.

Jeff's ego became so large it needed it's own tour bus which said band and label would not finance.

I kid. No statements as to what really happened. Read and watch interviews. Lots of tension and admissions of nearly breaking up around the TGE times.
btw: it's always great to see, that there are other guitar nerds out there, just like me!. Very good work ;)
You know, for somebody named Warbeard, this dude has a distinct lack of a war-like beard. The name evokes images of dwarven gods, not a face full of stubble. Nice solo though.
He also does nothing but bump this thread with unrelated information in a feeble attempt to acquire more compliments on his solo.

...is it just me who saw this? :lol: Also... DAMN good playing on that solo!
Jeff in Nanjing last night. Much more to follow (I have tons more videos)

The sound is a bit spotty (I was much too close to the stage) and was trying to film him play and he was moving constantly. I was head banging too, so it was hard to keep the camera steady.

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