Occult-Elegy for the Weak


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Occult-Elegy for the Weak
Candlelight Records/Karmageddon Media-CDL114-2004
By Josh Phillips


Elegy for the Weak is Occult’s 5th full-length release. The band plays an aggressive form of blackened thrash with some death metal influences and is complete with song titles such as “Nuclear Torment” and “Slut of Sodom.” If blackened thrash ala Gospel of the Horns or Deströyer 666 is your thing, you might want to give this a chance. Brutal death metal fans also take note, this is something that might be right up your alley.

The vocals by Maurice Swinkels are a higher pitched black metal style rasp and they work very well with this type of music. For some reason, I couldn’t imagine this band or the others mentioned above using another style and being as effective. You can make out quite a bit of what Swinkels is saying as he spits forth stories of annihilation, war, etc., your typical thrash lyrics. An effective vocal delivery and solid throughout.

The guitars thrash ‘til death, the bass plods away with some interesting moments such as the intro to “Reaper Call” and the drums, for the most part, pound away on the listener with a quick double bass attack and effective symbol hits. But there are quite a few sections on the album where the band slows the shredding, breaks it down and grooves and this is what makes the album interesting and fun. A lot of breaks to mix it up, showcase a riff and headbang away. The production is solid, the instruments are heard clearly and evenly and it's very fitting for the album. All of the band members (Richard Ebisch-Guitar, Twan-Bass and Erik Fleuren-Drums) turn in solid performances and you’ll be sure to shout along to “Obsessed by the Grave” and “Disturbing the Dead.”

If there’s one negative some people will find in this album, it would have to be that the songs do not differentiate from each other all that much. Many may think this album is a blur, but thankfully, I’m not one of them! Solid thrashing madness from Holland and an album I wish I’d have heard a little sooner. Pure aggression and judging from the logo and cover art, I’d have never guessed. Definitely look into this one if any of the above piques your interest.


Official Occult Website
Official Karmageddon Media Website
Official Candlelight USA Website
This is one of the best pure thrash albums I got in 04. I regret it took me this long to discover Occult, I'm going to hunt down their back catalogue now!

This reminds me a lot of obscure 80's thrashers Cyclone, but with more brutality! :cool: