OD SAXON album sold out on amazon!


Raging Heathen!
Sep 10, 2002
Northern Shores Of The Humber
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Seriously - Look!


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OMG! :guh:
LOL! :lol:

Seriously, is this really O/D? I don't see their name anywhere there on that page, but anyway these guys are pathetic! Is this some kind of a parody on Queen? And the song's names..... Masturbike?! wait a min.... no, NOT BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY! :mad:
Comedy band? How do they change the songs? Is it by the lyrics or by the music?
And I wonder if O/D took after Bad News' style too, they're very similar! :tickled:
Crusader, Bad News were the British equivalent of Spinal Tap. If you haven't seen Spinal Tap you haven't lived! They are parodies of the HM scene from the '80s. Bad News actually played Donington and were duly 'canned' by the crowd who thought they were serious. It was formed by 4 British comedians. Spinal Tap includes Jamie Lee Curtis' husband (Lucky b*stard) and a dude who does the voices for The Simpsons. Checkout the DVD which is widely available. Simply titled 'This is Spinal Tap'. :D
I've seen This Is Spinal Tap a half year ago or so, it was good :)

Big bottom *big bottom* BIG BOTTOM :headbang: That song ruled! (along with Stonehenge :Spin: )