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well does anyone know if amazon is carrying the limited vinyl thing that comes only in 1000 copies???
The Master said:
True, but still, its hardly a difference at all. Really just a nitpick, IMHO, by people who just want to hang on to LPs cause they're nostalgiac and cool or something.

of course there's a difference!!!!

to anyone who's actually sat down and listened to vinyl.

although theoretically an analogue medium should be able to outperform digital because it doesn't involve any digital approximations and sound is analogue after all!! but in the real world there's no way you could get higher fidelity reproduction from a vinyl lp than a CD. The sampling rate is so high!

you can digitally sample at a higher rate than the human ear can respond to sound so....!

but because of the mechanics involved in picking up the signal from a vinyl lp and the amplification of it means that the sonic properties are different. not BETTER, but DIFFERENT!!

to play back devin townsend on vinly probably would lose a bit of the definition and it would sound a bit muddled, but if you listen to Steely Dan or Pink Flloyd on CD and then on vinyl then'll know damn well which one sounds better! :)

its all in the warmth of the natural mid-basstones
The Master said:
According to many...I dunno...umm..."elite" audiophiles, the sound quality of a well mastered fresh, new vinyl LP on a good sound system is better quality sound than any standard audio CD.

I personally think those kinda people are fooling themselves. Plus we've got DVD-audio and SACD on the horizon, so any of their whining will be null and void soon.

I'd consider myself one of those people who likes vinyl LPs better than CDs.

You have to have a VERY good stereo system to truly appreciate the virtues of vinyl though. When you approach the level of resolution that an extremely high-end stereo can produce, you'll find CDs just sound almost TOO crisp, to the point of being ear fatigueing (sp?).

Have you heard SACDs or DVD-audio discs yet? I have. They're a total joke. Marketing scam IMO. They still do the same thing as CDs. They just do it at higher sampling rates.

The absolute best in audio quality would be if we could press the analog waveform onto a more durable, less scratch-prone device like a solid acrylic space age polymer or something. That would be the ultimate. Not a bunch of 1's and 0's which represent a waveform.