

Anastasia's Minion
Feb 12, 2002
who knows what's going with Odium? after great debut "The Sad Realm Of The Stars" they was kick out by Nocturnal Art and then...:confused: :confused: :confused:
When the "Sad realms.." was out I read in many zines that they are just a copy (but a good one) of Limbonic Art......... I haven't heard them at all........ is this truth somehow?
nope, it's fucking false! they are much better than crapish Limbonic Fart (yes, i hate Limbonic ;)). only reference line to Limbonic is cover by Morpheus...
yeah... fucking drummachine + poor keys... great, indeed :lol: and Limbonic Fart is funny on the stage. esp. when their drummachine doesn't work...
Limbonic art is not a live band. They keyboards are not poor at al especially on the first 2 album. It's way better than they keyboards on the new Vintersorg. ( sorry I had to... :muahaha:
I read an interview with OG they said it also can be comebine with some emperor sounds. I want to get a hold on the album eventually. :)