off-topic... Amy Lee is a genius !!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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You will have to excuse me for being out of "the loop" as far as radio music is concerned, but two nights ago I was listening to rock radio (at work btw, not by my choice) and this pretty awesome song came on. I knew right away Amy Lee (Evanescence) was singing on that song. It went "Cause I'm Broken" or something like that.
I remembered to look it up the net today and found the song. Well I downloaded the WRONG ONE. This evidently was the original release and it didn't feature Amy Lee, any orchestration and the male singer sounded like shit !! I didn't know what was up so I did some quick research and found out that this Seether lead singer is Amy Lee's boyfriend. The version with her on it, not only has her awesome vocals, but she wrote the orchestration and of course vocal harmonies. She has obviously taught her man how to sing a little too, because he sounds almost like a different person.
With very few exceptions, I simply don't like radio rock, but it seems like anything Amy Lee touches turns to gold. If she were to decide to really go into a little more expressive music like progressive metal or something, she could be absolutely incredible with not just her vocals, but her harmony arrangements coupled with her classical training that shows up in her orchestration of strings etc.
I realize some here probably scoff at Evanescence because of their "nu-metal" style, but Lee is SOOO brilliant, it wouldn't surprise me if she goes ahead and makes a small fortune then just changes directions into stuff "she likes." If that happens, it might not be something in the metal genre, but lookout world !!
Having said all of that, Lee seems to be as much of an extremely gifted engineer as opposed to artist. What I mean by that is she seems to be able to rearrange and add to "songs" as opposed to being a songwriter herself. Still.... if she makes the right hook-up, I haven't heard a woman with a more powerful voice than her since Streisand was when she was in her 30's and at least Lee doesn't sing "adult contemporary" like Barb did.

I don't like Evanescence's heavier stuff, Amy Lee's vocals also don't quite seem to fit on those songs, but their ballads are absolutely beautiful.
But then again...I am a HUGE ballad freak :D
I wouldn't call Evanescence "nu-metal," but we know how bad I am with labels. :D Anyway, I had actually been listening to Fallen quite a bit until the past couple of weeks, and she is a hell of a singer. I like the music, too. That's a good album, I don't care what anyone else says. :)

MetalRose said:
I hate to burst your bubble Bryant.... I've heard them live and Amy Lee can't hold a note. That album is way over produced. I'm still sticking with Lacuna Coil. At least Christiana sounds the same live. :)

My $0.02. Keep the change.


I don't doubt that. Her vocals (on disc) are pretty challenging and also are layered with harmony vocals which is sang... well by her. Hopefully she will be able to reproduce them live one day. She still is a young artist.

MetalRose said:
I know. It just really surpises me how "young artists" are given that chance to improve their vocals. Shouldn't that have good vocals to begin with? Or work on their vocals before they are given a contract? Seems a little bass-ackward to me. :)


Sweetie, she was just some girl playing piano when the guitar guy "discovered" her. She doesn't have much experience on stage despite how long it's been since the release of their disc. I'm not making excuses for her. If I paid good money to see Evan and they sucked I would be upset. I am only stating what I know about the biography of the band. She was "thrust into stardom." I would say that would be pretty overwhelming for a 20 year old.

Good point. :) And that's why I love you. We can debate on a completely civil manner.

I understand someone "finding" her and "thrusting her into stardom". Either way. Her voice was NOT ready to be recorded on an album. Period. I could sing on an album right now and sound as good as she does by being "tweaked".

My point was: When did it change from having amazing vocals to having so-so vocals tto be able to be on an album/ international tour?

Get what I'm saying?

MetalRose said:
Good point. :) And that's why I love you. We can debate on a completely civil manner.

I understand someone "finding" her and "thrusting her into stardom". Either way. Her voice was NOT ready to be recorded on an album. Period. I could sing on an album right now and sound as good as she does by being "tweaked".

My point was: When did it change from having amazing vocals to having so-so vocals tto be able to be on an album/ international tour?

Get what I'm saying?


Honey I understand your point completely. If you want to go to the general music forum and discuss this, then I can simply say stuff like screw you... you suck etc. Of course I was actually being "minor friendly" on that statement. >:p~ I owe you a serious noogie for not liking Amy Lee !!!! You are going to get one @ PPVI. Better not dye your hair too many times dear. I don't want to have to knuckle too much of it off. :D

MetalRose said:
No man, you're a moron. Oh wait, this isn't the gen. music discussion. :)

I'll let you give me a noogie... can I choose where though? :OMG:

LOL. I have no idea what color my hair will be for PPVI... Maybe blue.


Ha ha ha..... well your hair is going to be skin color (ala bald) if you keep putting chemicals on it. We will have to change your screen name to metalsinead. I don't think that look will work on you dear.

Kind of nice to walk into a "real metal" board and see Evanescence not getting ditched on :) I do think they are overplayed (not entirely their fault, of course), and Amy Lee's attitude in interviews hasn't impressed me, but I am not going to deny that "Fallen" is one hell of a great pop-metal album.
Bryant said:
I didn't know what was up so I did some quick research and found out that this Seether lead singer is Amy Lee's boyfriend.

Shit! She's got a boyfriend!!! Arghhhh... we'll who wouldn't want to be?
At least I really would like to sing with her (private or on stage) ... I really love that voice of hers!
ZeiMoT said:
Shit! She's got a boyfriend!!! Arghhhh... we'll who wouldn't want to be?
At least I really would like to sing with her (private or on stage) ... I really love that voice of hers!

The same SHIT that i suppose Andy has got a girlfriend.......BUt.. I've got a greeting in a frame on my wall, personally written by him ... :loco: