Off topic: Bush hails Norway \m/ /(-_-)\ \m/


I don't know.. He seems pretty braindead to me. Like a small puppy, just doing what it's told. I just feel sorry for the guy. Imagine being hatet all over the world.. Hihi. That's a good job he's done right there. Well, he probably deserves what he's getting. Sucker.
Darkelf said:

I don't know.. He seems pretty braindead to me. Like a small puppy, just doing what it's told. I just feel sorry for the guy. Imagine being hatet all over the world.. Hihi. That's a good job he's done right there. Well, he probably deserves what he's getting. Sucker.

i feel sorry for the poor bastards who have to work for him
i feel sorry for the folks who voted for him.
then again, i'm coming to realize the representative democracy thing is a big joke no matter who is in charge. fucking republicans. fucking democrats.