off-topic but important (cold/flu)


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I'm a big poster in the old-school and musician's forum, but I wanted to send a warning to all the boards here.

I'm a relatively healthy person and only get a cold/flu about once every three years or so, but I am now just starting to get over one of (if not the worst) the worst flus I have ever had. The reason I am posting this, is I know since I don't typically get colds and flu, I don't take any kind of precaution against them. Sunday Night through Wednesday night..... I just couldn't have been more sick than I was. Certainly there are always more than one "strain" going around and some are worse than others, but the one I caught was crippling. Take care of yourself and do whatever you can not to get one of them.

Thanks Bryant! My brother and his family were all sick at the same time about 2 weeks before Christmas. I think it affected each one different. It was really rough on his 2 small children. So far I've escaped any illness this winter. Knock on wood :)
Trust me when I say keep away from this. I don't want to run this off-topic post into the ground, but I am 35 years old, 6'1" 195 lbs. and a pretty damned tough guy. I can tell you, all I wanted was "my Momma" the last three days as I was so sick. I feel like Superman today and I am at best 1/3 my normal "me." That shit was rough guys !!

staying away from people definatley is the best way to avoid getting germs!
unfortunatly for me,i get colds all the time-having 4 kids in the house means that someones allways coming into contact with something.its a real pain,but cant be helped.we've had a few flu type bugs around here,but nothing like what you've described bryant.i dare say we'll get it soon enough though.the only one we had just before christmas was one that made you throw up violently for a day or two and then its gone.damn that was mrs wont clean up sick,so there i am,throwing up myself while trying to clean up the mess two of the kids have left over the floors.
wasnt a good night!
dunno if this helps you bryant,but people recommend taking something called ecunatia oil to try and prevent getting colds and flu.i'm gonna get some myself soon and give it a try
Glad you are better now. I´ve only had the flu once in my life so far and it was one of the worst sicknesses I´ve ever had. I literally thought I was going to die (and that was preferrable to the flu at the time).
dunno if this helps you bryant,but people recommend taking something called ecunatia oil to try and prevent getting colds and flu.i'm gonna get some myself soon and give it a try[/QUOTE]
Baldy, if I were an expert at "keeping away" from colds and flus I wouldn't have been making the particular post as I wouldn't have caught it, but I am actually "more educated than most" as I have some medical field education and half of my family are nurses or electricians (seriously) and I have been around the medical field quite a bit.
Please excuse me if I sound like a "know it all" as I am no expert and if I were I woundn't be an electrician > :P~ .....but the problem with colds/flu are that they are a virus. A.I.D.S. is also a virus of course. A virus is so small that only an electron microscope can really show a good clear picture of the virus. These organisms work at such a small level that we don't have the technology to fight against them because we can barely see them.
The old "vitamin C" for colds is not an old fable. The white blood cells which are your body's defenses against any foreign substances thrive on the addition of vitamin C in your diet or in a pill form. Any type of multi-vitamin will help you if you eat crap like I do (fast food etc.) Rest is another important factor. Top body-builders in the world will tell you, that the gym is the most important regiment in their life, second would be rest. Each person has their own "clock" as far as how much rest they need but your body rebuilds itself every day when you sleep and if you don't get enough, then you don't get a full rebuild. Taking some cold medicine also sometimes reduces "quality sleep" as it gives you a "medicated" sleep which causes your body not to go into full REM sleep. Once you have the cold, only take the medicine at night if you can't sleep. The way to fight the virus is to have your body best able to deal with it. During those winter months, eat good foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables, get plenty of rest and pay attention to hygeine. Flu shots work to an extent, but the only thing more adaptable than a cold/flu virus for surviving is a cockroach.

P.S. I apologize if I sound like a "know-it-all" but I have had some in-depth courses in micro-biology. All of those courses pretty much taught me that with current technology, taking care of your body is the best we can do against the influenza virus.

thanks for the info bryant-nothin wrong with being a know it all if your helping others with the things you know!
my mother in law always talks about vitamin c.i'll have to give it a try-fruit and veg though?dunno bout
baldyboy said:
thanks for the info bryant-nothin wrong with being a know it all if your helping others with the things you know!
my mother in law always talks about vitamin c.i'll have to give it a try-fruit and veg though?dunno bout
I'm not a big fruit person so I substitute with fruit juice. As far as veggies, I love them but it's all in the way they are prepared. I like mine steamed. I like all the shit little kids hate like broccoli, spinach, brussell sprouts and asparagus, but ya know gotta have some kind of dead animal on the plate too. A vegetarian I certainly am not.

Bryant said:
I'm not a big fruit person so I substitute with fruit juice. As far as veggies, I love them but it's all in the way they are prepared. I like mine steamed. I like all the shit little kids hate like broccoli, spinach, brussell sprouts and asparagus, but ya know gotta have some kind of dead animal on the plate too. A vegetarian I certainly am not.


me to fella-theres gotta be some juicy steak or lamb on the menu somewhere.i do like most of the green vegetables you mentioned,but not asparagus.
while we're on health probs doctor bryant,got any tips for lower back pain?carrying kegs of beer everyday just kills mine.any suggestions?(btw,what do you charge for your consultation?) :grin: :worship:
I'm a fruit and veggie person too. I have a glass of orange juice ever day, love that stuff. I usually stick with chicken. Maybe a slice of ham with my breakfast or a hambuger every now and then, but I don't eat too much red meats.

Baldyboy, I know the back question was for Bryant, but wearing a back belt will help. I've never worn one myself but my brother worked for UPS and he did a lot of heavy lifting and the belt really help him. :)
baldyboy said:
me to fella-theres gotta be some juicy steak or lamb on the menu somewhere.i do like most of the green vegetables you mentioned,but not asparagus.
while we're on health probs doctor bryant,got any tips for lower back pain?carrying kegs of beer everyday just kills mine.any suggestions?(btw,what do you charge for your consultation?) :grin: :worship:
Ha ha ha, I am an electrician by day, guitarist and doctor by night. I will be giving myself a brain transplant soon in fact. >:P~

Don't know how serious you are about the back pain, but I can say that back pain leaves "real doctors" scratching their heads most of the time.

Icy-hot (pain relieving rub) is great. I don't know if that is available where you are. Ben-gay (well actually I haven't) is another similar product.

I hate to say it, but exercise is probably the best remedy. Hard work (unless you are a professional swimmer) no matter what type is not excercise. Even with physical jobs, you use the same muscles and use them in the same motion even if your job is not very repetitive. Having said that, ocasionally you work a muscle hard in a position it is not used to going into and it causes that muscle to get inflamed. That muscle presses against a nerve and causes pain.
The muscles in the back aren't that big, but what makes the back so strong is that all of them work together. While moving unknowingly in that awkward position that isolates one or a small group of muscles can cause it to be overworked easily, or worse yet, "pulled." The right exercises can stretch and strengthen those muscles and it's not something you have to devote a lifetime of hardship to.
Muscle strain is the most common cause of back pain, but not the only one. Vertebral disc problems can pinch nerves and give chronic back pain. Usually those are only relieved by steroidal injections to help bring the disc "back to life" or at worst surgery, where a disc is fused. Weight and posture are also big factors as your lower back supports your upper body.

Hope this helps.

delize said:
I'm a fruit and veggie person too. I have a glass of orange juice ever day, love that stuff. I usually stick with chicken. Maybe a slice of ham with my breakfast or a hambuger every now and then, but I don't eat too much red meats.

Hell I play a doctor on the internet (well just recvently anyway) but I'm not going to go long without some dead pig. I love steak and burgers and all, but I couldn't be Jewish (no offense to anyone who is.) I even make my chilli with ground pork as opposed to beef. I couldn't last a month without a piece of ham, sausage, pork chop or bar-b-que. Maybe it's because I am in the South-East, (I bet Sixx is similar) but pork is a must have.

Delize, I think it is great you are taking care of yourself though. Kudos to you. I should do better with my eating, drinkiing, smoking, exercising habits. : ( If you exclude M&M almonds, I don't eat many sweets though. Man I could eat those things with beer !!

Delize, I think it is great you are taking care of yourself though.

Oh I didn't mean to sound like some health nut. No way! I was just agreeing with those who do like fruits and veggies. My favorite food is pizza and root beer. The ground pork chilli sounds good! :)
Bryant said:
Ha ha ha, I am an electrician by day, guitarist and doctor by night. I will be giving myself a brain transplant soon in fact. >:P~

Don't know how serious you are about the back pain, but I can say that back pain leaves "real doctors" scratching their heads most of the time.

Icy-hot (pain relieving rub) is great. I don't know if that is available where you are. Ben-gay (well actually I haven't) is another similar product.

I hate to say it, but exercise is probably the best remedy. Hard work (unless you are a professional swimmer) no matter what type is not excercise. Even with physical jobs, you use the same muscles and use them in the same motion even if your job is not very repetitive. Having said that, ocasionally you work a muscle hard in a position it is not used to going into and it causes that muscle to get inflamed. That muscle presses against a nerve and causes pain.
The muscles in the back aren't that big, but what makes the back so strong is that all of them work together. While moving unknowingly in that awkward position that isolates one or a small group of muscles can cause it to be overworked easily, or worse yet, "pulled." The right exercises can stretch and strengthen those muscles and it's not something you have to devote a lifetime of hardship to.
Muscle strain is the most common cause of back pain, but not the only one. Vertebral disc problems can pinch nerves and give chronic back pain. Usually those are only relieved by steroidal injections to help bring the disc "back to life" or at worst surgery, where a disc is fused. Weight and posture are also big factors as your lower back supports your upper body.

Hope this helps.


thats just about the most understandable advice anyones ever given me about back pain bryant,cheerz.
yes it does hurt a lot sometimes,and i think mainly its wieght is definatly a factor,one i must remedy-the atkins diet sounds good,but i'm worried about the side effects.
i guess more than anything,i've got to get back into exercising.
thanks doctor bryant! :rock: :worship:
the rock doctor!
Is it just me or is it weird that i have gone the majority of the winter with no illness(very rare for me), but the very next day after reading this, i get sick. And i'm still trying to fight it.