Swine Flu!

Mar 2, 2009
Swine Flu hit home!
This Past weekend I sat home with a very sick family. It all started friday When my 2 year old Dylan got really sick. He was running a temp of 102.5 and the poor kid was immobile all day, he curled up in the fetal position on the floor and wouldn't move, he wouldn't eat or drink anything and then he start throwing up violently:Puke:. My wife finally took him to the hosptial, where my son puked all over the waiting room......:Puke: The Doctors tested him for Swine Flu. Initial tests came back positive for influenza "A". The doctors told us that so far there hasn't been anyone test positive for "A" and negative for "Swine Flu". We are still awaiting of the official results, but the doctors are about 90% sure that it is swine flu. Needless to say my entire house got sick over the weekend. We all had to go on the Vaccine, to make sure we don't pass it along.
Other than having a really crappy weekend full of sick people. 2 things really sucked!
First, friday night I was holding my son on the couch and he puked :Puke:all over my Rising Anger T shirt!:Puke:
Second, I had to miss Rehearsals...... I was really bummed, I look forward to it all week!!!

Just stay home until everyone is better, and maybe stay home one week beyond that. I'm sure you don't want anyone ELSE contracting it, even if it isn't Swine Flu.

I hope everyone in your family gets well soon.
I'm glad to hear that everyone's feeling better, Bizzarro!

It had to be absolutely scary knowing that your two-year-old son came down with such a nasty flu. Thankfully, you folks were able to act fast and take care of the situation. My horns are up for all in the LeFevre clan!

Stay metal. Never rust.