Off-topic: Halloween costumes!

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Who had a kickass Halloween costume this year? I was thinking of being the guys from the V cover, but no one would've really understood. Two nights ago I was Neo from the Matrix (I had the trenchcoat, so I figured what the hell... although I got a lot of "Neo didn't have long hair."). And tonight my roommate and I went to some parties as Mario and Luigi.

I bet you guys did some crazy and awesome stuff!
SymX's webmistress & her former bf dressed up as the V cover guys one year..Liiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaa where's that pic??
At my school it's tradition for the freshmen to decorate the halls as a competition while the upperclass go trick or treating. Each dorm has their own theme, ours was Christmas. We had someone dressed up as Santa, lights were everywhere and we gave out candy canes. I was the North Pole because I wasn't going to wear reindeer antlers. Some other dorms had pretty good ideas. One had a beach theme where all the guys wore coconut bras and grass skirts. My personal favorite was the one where a bunch of guys dressed up as sperm cells and made the hall look like a giant vagina. Interesting times here at college.

And ofsinsandshred, one floor did a Mario Brothers theme. It was fun.
I was trying to be Buckethead until I realized chicken places don't sell chicken in buckets anymore. I don't eat much fried chicken, but apparently they come in boxes now (even the large orders). I thought that would be a cool costume. I just wore a mask.
Lady of the Oracle said:
SymX's webmistress & her former bf dressed up as the V cover guys one year..Liiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaa where's that pic??

We did! Unfortunately no one at the party we attended knew wtf we were, but we expected as much so we brought along a SymX cd for a visual aid. We got lots of compliments on the costumes and makeup. :)


Also, someone mentioned Buckethead... Rick was also Buckethead for halloween either the previous or following year. He had the good fortune to actually have some "official" Buckethead props (rubber chicken, body parts, etc.) that had been tossed from the stage at various shows. His costume was SPOT ON, wish I had a picture of it.

This year I was American McGee's Alice, which I think will turn out to be my standard costume for years to come. :)

i thought KFC has buckets. hmm, i was just there earlier today for lunch (popcorn chicken), i shoulda looked. whatever. i had a show with Aborted Existence two days before halloween so lotsa ppl were dressed up. one of our guitarists, Adam, dressed up as a priest with this fake boner. It was at a bar, so it was well appreciated humor. and then pretty much everyone had the clichè as hell goth/zombie/dead thing look going on. I just went, played, and left, seeing as how i couldnt really hang out cuz im not 21 yet (didnt dress up) maybe next year. Oh, we started the show off the the Halloween theme from the movies, then right into the first song. ahhhh i wish i'd recorded that. i'll look around for someone who did cuz i think a few ppl video'd that show, and if i find it i'll put it on here, cuz it was sooooooooo cool.
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
i thought KFC has buckets. hmm, i was just there earlier today for lunch (popcorn chicken), i shoulda looked. whatever. i had a show with Aborted Existence two days before halloween so lotsa ppl were dressed up. one of our guitarists, Adam, dressed up as a priest with this fake boner. It was at a bar, so it was well appreciated humor. and then pretty much everyone had the clichè as hell goth/zombie/dead thing look going on. I just went, played, and left, seeing as how i couldnt really hang out cuz im not 21 yet (didnt dress up) maybe next year. Oh, we started the show off the the Halloween theme from the movies, then right into the first song. ahhhh i wish i'd recorded that. i'll look around for someone who did cuz i think a few ppl video'd that show, and if i find it i'll put it on here, cuz it was sooooooooo cool.

:tickled: i can sooo see adam doing that. Tell him and ira i said howdy one of these days.

I thoght about being buckethead this year, but then i realized 1) i was working all halloween day/night 2) didnt go to any parties or anyhting 3)nobody to hang out with for halloween (just moved here so i dont really know anyone) and 4) nobody would get it. I could pull off a Vai thogh easily.....even got the JEM.
I like the V costumes as well. :)

I've never been able to tell from the original art inside the CD case, though, whether it's supposed to be a mask or face paint. To me it looks like face paint (think of what a Japanese geisha would wear).
Um, that's good and all, but what were you supposed to be?

Guys here just dressed up like girls for the hell of it. We had a few chippendales, too.