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Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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So I decided im growing a beard. Not a big ol one, just one that goes from the sideburns to the chin. Nothing on the neck, or upper lip. In other words its just a strip of facial hair. Anyway, after you get that mental image, the weird thing is it is coming in RED. I would understand a lighter shade of brown (my natural hair color), but red? It is kind of funky. So now i have black hair (damn lying 24 cycle hair coloring, it was for halloween for kids to go along with my outfit), long brown roots and highlights where it did come out (bout an inch and a half), and red facial hair.

my friends are starting to call me "Red Dog" which I think is kind of funny.

I just wanted everyone to know, and gather some opinions :grin:

on a side note, i think anyone that shaves their chest is gay.
Red facial hair is actually a pretty common thing in men, & I have no idea why..but at least you're not alone! :)
Soul, dude.... seriously, you need to combine all of your ideas into one thread instead of making 500 threads, each of which you put the smallest point across.

Anyway.... yeah, I have a goatee, it's slightly red though..... so I have that two tone action going on. Oh well.
Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
Soul, dude.... seriously, you need to combine all of your ideas into one thread instead of making 500 threads, each of which you put the smallest point across.

Anyway.... yeah, I have a goatee, it's slightly red though..... so I have that two tone action going on. Oh well.

LOL :lol:

im not that bad am I?

Most of my threads do have different points dont they?

I also believe this should be a fun place rather than 100% seriousness about music. How boring would that be? Gotta spice it up a bit lol. If someone wants to discuss music with me, I am more than obliged. But I gotta do something in the meantime dont i?