what the hell do you people look like?

I dont trust catholics in general. Never have. Its one thing to believe in god, but its another to confess to a man, and then the man what , supposedly telepathically sends a message to the pope, (isnt he the only guy who can speak directly to god?), who then relays the message to God, who then forgives you.

It's not right to trust organized religion...it will only fuck you up.
Now that Amos is out of that school,Brownley may loose his interst in teaching and move onto the priesthood...they're all sick basterds,too so he'd fit in perfectly.

Oh,Amos,my cousin Lesley just saw a pic of my mom when she was younger and said that she must've been a major hippie.MY MOM JUST ADMITTED THAT SHE WAS A HIPPIE,TOO!THE TRUTH IS FINALLY OUT.I SHOULD ASK HER ABOUT THE POT,TOO...
(didn't feel like clicking off of cap lock)