what the hell do you people look like?

k!!! here goes just for the BABEZ...

80kg's+all muscle
black hair, brown eyes
no tatt's, no piercing's, no brandings
short hair.


ha ha... :lol:
I pictured you as that short, kinda pudgy and bald- stalker guy from next-door :lol: how wrong i was

For the ladies!

Height - 5"10

Weight - 65kg (extremely fit, i am into body-building, and im a manual-workaholic, i'm doing the grouting of the tiles at my parentls place today, it's a big bugger of a job, but it's great for the deltoids and the pecs :grin: )

Eyes - Greeny/Blue, you know, the kind that girls love... they 'deep, cosmic-sea' look in them... if i am ill, or i'm sick of life, then they are a dull green/grey colour... if i am REALLY well and happy, they are usually a deep blue colour

Hair - Naturally blonde, but it's got red dye in it now... It's a long story... but i had really long hair when iwas younger, but the shcool i went to made me cut it... oh, don't you worry, i got my revenge :grin: , and it's only starting to get long now... it used to be past my bottom-ribs, around belly-button length, but now it is just between my shoulder-blades, a little higher actually... i can't wait for it to be down to my ass again, i'm only a young 'fella, so i've got alllll the time in the world... untill i go BALD that is :frown:

Peircings/Marks - Two in my left ear, one in my labret... I've got a birth mark across my back which is REALLY cool, it's almost like someone got a light paintrush and ran it across my shoulders, it's only JUST noticable up close... i have lots of freckles, but not on my face, i'm not a redhead or nothing, i just have spots on my arms etc. I've actually only been sunburnt ONCE... My recent obsession is of getting a tattoo... i wanted a tribal sun between my shoulder blades, but a conversation i had with LSDman a while ago has intreagued me at crop-circles, and i might get a crop circle of some description there instead. I am going to get a chuck schuldiner quote around my ankle... i'm not sure what yet, i was thinking of "the journey beginds with curiosity", but since he passed away, it has kindof given the phrase a different meaning, and i don't really want to have to look at my leg and have tears stream down my face every morning in the shower...! If i was to be a musician FULL TIME, i would get my whole arm tattooed, like jan Kris DeKoyer (sp) of gorefest... it looks really neat on him, and i have a similar look to him, so it would probbly be damn cool (if not a little expensive...) i HATE patchy tattoes, like the old-man biker tattooes, where they have a tattoo here, and a tattoo there, but they just look aweful because they don't like up...

I surprise alot of people with my fitness and strength... I look like someone who is really skinny and weak, but i'm actually extremely strong and fit. I've been lifting weights for two years now... and i can lift more than my own weight, plus i am extremely muscled, although it is only really noticable when i am shirt-less, as i usually wear long pants/jeans and a long sleeve shirt... people don't really take me seriously when i mention that i work out, they seem to think that it is a joke... but it is a serious passion of mine, and i can see myself in ten or so years being extremely big, especially if i keep it up for that long...
hmm.....what the hell, i'm good at beating off stalkers. I'm 5'9, about 130 lbs, i've got long blonde curly hair, blue eyes. i'm usually in a black shirt and jeans, except for good concerts. then i break out the stuff all you guys would really like!!!!!!
Some of us are pretty sick and perverse already...
Oh,some ppl on the "RiP50" thread are telling ledmag that he looks like Jesus...damn,I should've told him that I wished not to be raped by his light:lol:
4 years works,He also tells me that he'd like to see those naked pics of me by then,as would most of the guys on this board.You don't think *Brownley*could be here using some type of perverse alias,do you,Amos?