for the girls of this board: i've figured out the funnest game to play in the bathtub

Originally posted by Fidel Castrato
will someone plz mod this???

Fidel, I think you have posted on this board like 5 times. Screwdriverqueen constantly makes good posts that get lots of replies. Why should we moderate her posts at your request, especially since the entire board likes what she says, and you never post anyway?
it is pretty funny that the lurkers crawl out of the woodwork for this event

but yeah, the way i see it, those little things were probably looking to get out anyhow, and Mia is just sort of aiding them.

however, dehydrating them on the side of the tub is the malicious part of this scene. drain accumulation is probably their end goal.
I bet it would look cool to fill the tub up pretty full, uncork the drain and create a whirlpool and watch the flagellates spiral their way down to the grating where they smash and flatten out in an afterbirth hotcake.
This is the funny part:
My reference with the first post was to the picture josh posted WHICH is a picture I used to post on the beloved BCO a lot. And you know, the picture is like ME ME ME IM CRAZEEEEE IM WILD AND CRAZYYYYY and that was what I was referring to. but like, yea, way to go there, PAL.