Off-Topic: Headphones

Cerberus III

New Metal Member
May 14, 2008
Any other audiophiles here know of a good brand of headphones, preferably closed and between $100-$300, that are good for listening to heavy music like Opeth, but still good for the softer parts? I'm not too savvy when it comes to stuff like this so searching on Google isn't really helping me. The reason I ask is other people in the house don't quite appreciate loud music like I do... and needless to say there is friction. So... where the audiophiles at?! :headbang:

(I know this shit thread doesn't belong here, but gimme a break)
I've got these and I really like their sound: [ame=""][/ame]

However I wouldn't consider myself an audiophile as I've got a hearing loss :erk:
Well, I searched some more on Amazon and found [ame=""]these[/ame], so I guess I'll give them a try.

Hehe yeah not really looking for real high end. I think I've decided on that last set I posted.

HD-595 Sennheiser's.

Does that sound like a good deal?
I just got a pair of Grado SR-255's and they are incredible! Grado makes headphones exactly how I like them, they don't care about anything except sound quality, their headphones are ugly and are not the most comfortable. but the sound! Especially for heavier music ' it doesn't get much better then Grado. Best part is they are really well priced, my pair was only 200$.
I bought a pair of Etymotic Er-6i headphones last year and I've never looked back.

The original price was $150, but if you do some searching, you can get them for less than $100. I got mine online for $70... but I forgot where.

They're worth every penny.

EDIT: Nevermind. Looks like you made your choice. Peace!
go here for proper advice-
you have a nice price range, you should find something good. if you don't mind used you might find a good deal in the FS forum as well.

edit: saw you went w/ the 595's. if you have leftover cash, they would benefit from some amping.
edit: saw you went w/ the 595's. if you have leftover cash, they would benefit from some amping.

Well, I've got a nice set of Altec Lansing speakers I was going to plug them in through, which are in turn plugged into a good sound card on my PC.
these are semi decent for sound... but amazing if you have to do anything active.

i have used them for years,


edit.. very good for the price range. i would recomend them to anybody just looking for "junker" phones..