
Savatage Fanatic
Sep 13, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA, Earth
Please go to this link, read and decide for yourself.

Duane Chapman, aka Dog the Bounty Hunter, went to Mexico in 2003 and brought back to justice a sleaze bag that was convicted of 86 counts of rape and torture, which was a slam dunk since he filmed a lot of his crimes. Bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico and they are wanting him to come back and stand trial. This could carry up to 4 years in a Mexican prison. Putting a person who has put more than 6,000 criminals in prison is like leading a lamb to the slaughter.

If you BELIEVE as I do, please help fight this injustice by doing whatever you can. There are petitions to sign and a place to donate to him, his brother and his son's legal fees. Duane and his family are Christians and in my opinion are good people.

I don't do this very often, but Dog is a good man and should not be punished for this act. He may have saved any of our daughters' lives. If you BELIEVE as I do, please pass this on to everyone you know.

Maybe not TOTALLY off-topic - Ozzy does the theme song!! :headbang:

Thank you and God Bless,

Chris Sumrow
I'm all for catching fugitive felons, but ya gotta do it by the rules. I don't have any sympathy for him; he knew what the rules were, & he chose to jump bail, he's no victim here (especially since this arrest is what got him his tv show; he's gained far more than he's lost thus far).
Jax said:
I'm all for catching fugitive felons, but ya gotta do it by the rules. I don't have any sympathy for him; he knew what the rules were, & he chose to jump bail, he's no victim here (especially since this arrest is what got him his tv show; he's gained far more than he's lost thus far).

Bingo! Jax hit on right on the head here. You do the crime, now do the time, I think. Why should anyone send him money? He has a freakin tv show. I'm sure he has profited well from it and its no one's fault but his own if he has squandered the money.
Jax said:
I'm all for catching fugitive felons, but ya gotta do it by the rules. I don't have any sympathy for him; he knew what the rules were, & he chose to jump bail, he's no victim here (especially since this arrest is what got him his tv show; he's gained far more than he's lost thus far).

Screw that... if the Mexican government has made it illegal to bring back criminals, then that's the same thing as harboring terrorists, and they should get the same treatment as Afghanistan. At the very LEAST, the US government should ignore Mexico's request to extradite this guy.
As much as I respect Dog and his deeds and the amount of love and passion he has for his family, I cannot do a thing to help him.

For one, he DID break the law. That means, by self-admittance, he MUST battle this within the confines of the Law by which he works and lives. He respects the Law enough to not try to fight it.

And also, if he battles this legally and officially, and wins his case, he'll do far greater good. It'll force Mexico to look at their own laws and admit that it's a shitty law. Lawbreakers deserve NO refuge and NO protection. Mexico knows it's a country that offers incredible benefits to fugitives, and would not allow America to rampage through trying to capture everyone that "makes a run for the border" to escape America's law enforcement agencies.

I ain't saying Mexico is an evil country. I'm saying, they're not as straight-laced as they should be, but they aren't financially equipped to do what needs to be done.
Hold on... Mexico won't extradite U.S. criminals back to the US, but we're suppose to extradite a U.S. citizen to Mexico, for doing something that's perfectly legal in the US? And not only something that's perfectly legal, but something commendable? I have never seen Dog's TV show, but he brought a sick f**k to justice. I just can't see how someone can argue that he deserves to go to jail for putting a rapist behind bars.

General Zod said:
Hold on... Mexico won't extradite U.S. criminals back to the US, but we're suppose to extradite a U.S. citizen to Mexico, for doing something that's perfectly legal in the US? And not only something that's perfectly legal, but something commendable? I have never seen Dog's TV show, but he brought a sick f**k to justice. I just can't see how someone can argue that he deserves to go to jail for putting a rapist behind bars.

Check your facts, folks..Mexico does provide for extradition, it's bounty hunting that's illegal there.

The Extradition Treaty between the United States of America and The United Mexican States (hereinafter, "the Extradition Treaty", see 31 U.S.T. 5061) provides for extradition of a party who has been charged with or found guilty of an offense committed in the United States, who has fled to Mexico. An offense is extraditable if it is a crime in both countries and punishable by incarceration for a period of one year or more. Double jeopardy and statute of limitations provisions in each country apply. (See CA Penal Code sections 656, 793, Extradition Treaty, Article 6)
SavaVIDude said:
Duane and his family are Christians and in my opinion are good people.

Really should not use this as a reason to help him. No offense, his religion is his choice and hats off to him I guess, but that's like saying "Since his family are Christian, you should help them out...but if they were Buddhist or something...then whatever!" I doubt this is what you are saying, but that is how it comes off as.
Jax said:
Check your facts, folks..Mexico does provide for extradition, it's bounty hunting that's illegal there.
Thanks for the clarification on this. That said, no way should we extradite someone for:

a) something that's legal here
b) putting a rapist behind bars

I'm kind of torn as to whether he should've been extradited..sure, bounty hunting is legal here & it makes dragging him to another country for it seem ridiculous..but given that it's illegal there, it's tantamount to forceful kidnapping, which makes it a lot more serious from their viewpoint.

That said, I still don't find him to be a victim; he knew the rules & he chose to break them, and then jump bail to boot. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out..
Wooo its always awesome to see people do good things and then get it broken off in them because of technicalities. Let's put it this way, if you saw someone getting raped in an alley and beat the living shit out of the rapist and then had them sue you for a million dollars due to you putting them in a wheelchair would you feel sympathy for the rapist? fuck no. Hell if anything boot it to Canada Duane.

btw why the hell should the US comply with sending someone over to stand trial when the government in Mexico CONVICTED (note it said convicted not "purportedly comitted") someone 86 times for rape and torture and still let them wander the streets.
Jax said:
I'm kind of torn as to whether he should've been extradited...
I can understand your conflict. However, to me, some things are right and somethings are wrong. He brought a rapist to justice. The fact that Mexico has a law on the books that ban bounty hunting, is of little concern to me, and thankfully, of little concern to Dog.

Jax said:
That said, I still don't find him to be a victim; he knew the rules & he chose to break them, and then jump bail to boot. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out..
Unless I misunderstood, he jumped bail because he didn't want to spend four years in a Mexican prison for doing something he saw as right. Again, I have no problem with this. I would have jumped bail in this situation as well.

General Zod said:
I can understand your conflict. However, to me, some things are right and somethings are wrong.

Is breaking the law something you consider wrong? Or, if its for the greater good then its ok? I'm curious as to where you draw your line, Zod. Seems like kind of a slippery slope.
I saw the story on A&E a couple of days ago and according to him, he didn't jump bail, was told he could leave the country and they would leave him alone. I think more than anything else, the family is afraid if he sent to Mexico, he going to be murdered in prison. Plus, if they want him back, why aren't they taking his brother and son back too that were with him in Mexico? The whole situation seems kind of strange and left me with a lot of unanswered questions at the end of the show. I'd bet that this is happening because Dog is so high-profile now. This is just my interpretation. He did break the rules but something else must be driving this whole situation to want him back after 3 years.

rockyracoon said:
Is breaking the law something you consider wrong?
I suppose it depends on the law. In many states, oral sex is still illegal. In Arizona, you may not have more than two dildos in a house. In Conneticut, in order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce. To me, wanting to imprison a man for bringing a rapist to justice is no more or less absurd than imprisoning a man for distributing non-bouncing pickles.

rockyracoon said:
Or, if its for the greater good then its ok? I'm curious as to where you draw your line, Zod. Seems like kind of a slippery slope.
It only becomes slippery if you begin to stretch the boundaries of right and wrong to an absurd length. Let's look at this at its most basic level:

-Person A commits 86 counts of rape and torture
-Person B brings Person A to justice

Person B did nothing wrong.

I could understand Mexico's point of view a little better if the fugitive in question was a Mexican citizen. I think a fine and a slap on the wrist is in order here, but nothing more. If I was Dog I would have split the country too. I can't imagine the criminals in the Mexican jails would show him much hospitality.
