Mosquito said:
Really should not use this as a reason to help him. No offense, his religion is his choice and hats off to him I guess, but that's like saying "Since his family are Christian, you should help them out...but if they were Buddhist or something...then whatever!" I doubt this is what you are saying, but that is how it comes off as.

Why must people read something into EVERTHING that is said?? I started the post out by saying, "Decide for yourself". I was using his Christianity as an example of BELIEVING in something. I am doing everything I can for him because he took someone off the streets that was going to continue to rape and torture. I know more than one woman that has been raped and it is irreparable.

Quit thinking so much. Some "laws" are wrong.

Well, if the Mexican Government had any integrity (which they don't) at all they'd realize that this guy brought a piece of trash to justice and throw the case out all together. It's not like the Dog killed anyone down there or anything. :Smug: That would save alot of time and energy for everybody.
General Zod said:
It only becomes slippery if you begin to stretch the boundaries of right and wrong to an absurd length. Let's look at this at its most basic level:

-Person A commits 86 counts of rape and torture
-Person B brings Person A to justice

Person B did nothing wrong. Zod

I find myself liking General Zod more with every post. That's exactly how I see it, Zod... To me, if someone did something that's "technically illegal" but NO ONE is going to argue that they did a good thing, then the law doesn't apply, IMHO. I understand the whole "slippery slope" argument, but in cases like this, I think the slippery slope is sliding the other direction. There IS a happy medium.

I saw you at PPUSA, but now I'm wishing I'd introduced myself. Next year!

I read everything here, Glenn may delete this thread we'll see. Personally I am a fan of the Dog show because you can tell what they are out there doing is not just catching people, but really trying to help people as well when they do catch them. On the show the ones they catch are most of the time the ones they bailed in the first place. They talk a lot of smack during the hunt/capture but always make it a point to talk with the people they catch and try to offer advice and help. Dog spent time in prison for murder in the 70s and reformed etc. so he knows what it is like to be on the other side of things.

With that said, the A&E special "The Family Speaks" details everything. At one point they had a Mexican police friend helping them hunt the guy if I recall because they usually involve local authorities in what they're doing. It is also true that hewas given legal advice to never come back and thought the statute of limitations would run up, which was coming up.

As far as the USA not giving him up, I don't know if anyone read the news lately but Mexico is handing over like 3 or 4 drug lords that the USA has requested be given over. Mexico complied...

I hope Dog gets time served in Mexico and is allowed to return home (he spent a week in Mexican jail which he related to a POW camp). Also, his son and "brother" were also taken into custody and I think have to go back too?
SavaVIDude said:
Why must people read something into EVERTHING that is said?? I started the post out by saying, "Decide for yourself". I was using his Christianity as an example of BELIEVING in something. I am doing everything I can for him because he took someone off the streets that was going to continue to rape and torture. I know more than one woman that has been raped and it is irreparable.

Quit thinking so much. Some "laws" are wrong.



I did not read into anything, I read what you stated and that is all. I never said the law wasn't wrong and I never said that he should or should not be punished. All I said (and meant) was that you should not use religion as a shield of some sort. I really don't want this to explode into some religious debate because that is pointless. I just don't think it is a good idea to use it in that context, that's all. If you would have said "His family are Muslims" or something, it would have possibly stirred different emotions in people as opposed to Christianity (Since the prominent religion in the USA is Christianity). Seriously, don't take it as me bashing you or bashing the guy and his family, it is just my thoughts on the context it was used in.