Off Topic: Reign in Blood/Raining Blood confusion

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Yes, this is an off topic thread. Sorry!

Anyone else get bothered when people confuse the CD title and the song title? "Yeah dude, I love that song Reign in Blood!"



ps. Laura did that last night.

Ok, now to go back on topic with the forum...
Yes, the song is titled "Raining Blood". However, in the lyrics it states:
Raining Blood/From A Lacerated Sky/Bleeding Its Horror/Creating My Structure/Now I Shall Reign In Blood. Maybe thats where the confusion comes from. Hell, I don't know maybe some people are just stupid.
* crawls out from under rock* which death song? They did a Death song?
It was a joke. Someone said that Slayer covered Tori Amos' Raining Blood, so then another person said that Priest covered Death. It's the other way around in both cases obviously.