(Off topic) Why the Nick Berg video may be a fake...


¨‘°ºOrnamental adagiOº°‘¨
Nov 30, 2002
Is the video real, or was it a mise-en-scène?

Why was Nick Berg arrested? Because the name of his company appeared on a list of anti-war activists?

Was Berg detained by the Americans? Although the American army denies that, e-mails to the Berg family from an American diplomat prove the opposite. Friends of Berg also confirm the fact that he was detained by the Americans for two weeks.

Why do the major American media keep silent about the fact that Berg was working in Abu Graib? MSNBC deleted the sentence from this article. (current article)

The statement that Berg was murdered by Americans in Abu Graib may sound improbable, but you just can't exclude it. The chair on which Berg is sitting in part one, is from the same type of chairs which can be seen on several pictures of Abu Graib. Moreover, Berg is wearing an orange jail uniform which is normally worn by American prisoners. Did Berg wander in this uniform through Iraq after his release?

According to the CIA Berg was beheaded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi. The latter has an artificial leg though, and moves remarkably supple on the footage. Moreover, according to an American military report Abu Musab al Zarqawi should have died by armed confrontations in Fallujah. Iraqi resistants even confirmed that.

Berg was likely not beheaded while he was alive. On the footage one could hardly see blood. Berg also doesn't show any acts of resistance.

One of the men on the video is wearing a golden ring. Gold should only be worn by women according to the Islam.

It's a remarkable coincidence that this video appears during the jail scandals, which should be the cause of the decapitation in Abu Graib. A nice argument not to give out pictures ever again.

The audiovisual quality of the video is abominable. It's hard to see whether the man in part two is really Berg. Morevover, the sound on the video appeared to be added afterward.

Several parts of the video appeared to be recorded on different times.

On the footage there's a demand to exchange Berg for a couple of prisoners from Abu Graib. Why did no one came back on this during the hysteria? Why do the Americans keep silent about this?

Does someone on the video really say with a Western accent Thy will be done (mp3)?

Why were the remains of Berg flown back to an American military airbase in Delaware? Berg wasn't a member of the military, was he? And why why did the parents of Nick Berg have no permission to attend the repatriation of their son?

The American website Prison Planet keeps a nice overview of evidence of the Nick Berg execution. Infowars.com has a critical approach to the decapitation as well.
Translated from the national Belgian paper De Standaard.