office christmas party today!

I can one up you
i have another office party today, at 11:30. this one's for the entire university. i won't be back after that, as they have OPEN BAR and i'm going shopping straightaway afterward. food shopping, not gift shopping.

(the bar is not haunted)
Originally posted by xfer
Do you have to bring your girlfriend?
When I asked her this, I was promptly given a look of 'duh', even though I explained I would have much more fun with her colleagues if she were to stay home.

Turns out they had enough money collected (from doctors and others) to have an open bar for like 4 hours starting at 7pm. So, we stayed until 11:15, about a half hour after they started whooping it up on the dance floor to bad DJ music (80s Madonna, early 90s pop-rap and the like). Some of those girls can shake- and not in a good way.