officer barlow back in iced earth

It's pretty old news but I still have some residual energy left from my heavy metal shit fit I through when I first heard so I'm still excited. Now we just need Jon Schaffer to write some cool material for him.
I knew about it, and I am happy about that. The vocalist for framing armageddon and the glorious burden didn't do shit for me; I thought he was just too boring :/
I knew about it, and I am happy about that. The vocalist for framing armageddon and the glorious burden didn't do shit for me; I thought he was just too boring :/

He was growing on me. And I thought he was getting better with framing armageddon, i was looking forward to future albums with him. o well Barlow will probly be better
He was growing on me. And I thought he was getting better with framing armageddon, i was looking forward to future albums with him. o well Barlow will probly be better

They definitely stepped it up a few notches on FA in terms of getting Schaffer's writing to gel better with Owens' style (I guess since it was the first album initially written with him in mind), which kinda makes it even more awkward to switch singers for part 2 of the story---even if I do prefer Barlow. But I'll reserve judgment for when I hear it.
There's been literally 5-6 threads on the matter, strealed all through UM. But we'll let you off, since this news is still awesome. ;)

I just hope they rerecord Framing Armageddon with Barlow's vocals. I haven't heard it, but I've heard Glorious Burden, and Ripper simply does not work with the band's sound, IMO.
Really though, what DO cops know about metal? Not much I bet.

Funny how Shaft-er waited til his big money festivals were done with Tim, before shitting in his ear and getting Paul Stanley-ah back.