Official Air Guitar Nation Trailer

but the fact that all those people participating in the competition take it SERIOUSLY is very, very lame and saddening. If this is all for comedy, seriously.. go listen to Horse the band or Tenacious D or something.
ScarChest, you should lose more faith in humanity now-

Some dumb bitch on myspace(yes, I have one, its a good networking tool to talk to people you haven't talked to in a long time) decided to respond to me about my video comment( which yes, is lame that i spent time writing a response but I just had to for such a fucking stupid video). I basically said it was stupid as fuck:

theres more to it, but that's the bulk of the stupidity that radiated from this dumb ass.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cat.herine
Date: Mar 22, 2007 9:01 AM

But most of them do play real guitar. Its ok to be good at two different things that are similar.

But whatever, you would probably suck at real guitar anyway. And if you suck at real guitar you have no chance at Air Guitar.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Nareg
Date: Mar 21, 2007 9:57 PM

why? because I choose to ACTUALLY play the guitar, I don't feel like standing on a stage and pretending to play a guitar, it's kind of pointless.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cat.herine
Date: Mar 21, 2007 8:35 PM

FYI most of the ppl who compete in the Air Guitar Competions play real guitar. Hot Lixx Hulahan aka Craig Billmeier plays in the local band Love Songs and he won in 2006 and got to represent the united states in Finalnd.

If you think its so easy and takes no talent then why don't you compete?!

Competition starts in June