official announcement: Intromental signs SENTIMENT

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
Featuring ex-Silent Voices vocalist Michael Henneken, SENTIMENT, is the newest Finnish metal band to deliver a high-class product of full throttle power metal mixed with big melodies and a touch of classic hard rock.

Intromental Management is really proud to be working with this band, and we're currently shopping SENTIMENT's debut album "From Here To Ever After" towards record labels worldwide.

Check out the song "The Dark Side" here:
Excellent choice! I was talking to these guys a year ago, and told them then it was only a matter of time before they got signed!

High on my priority list to help spread the word! Good call! :kickass::rock:
I LIKE IT! A LOT! :rock:

I've had the pleasure to get a sneak peek of the full album and I must say it's a refreshing sound. Their overall style reminds me of a modern day Scorpions with added crunch. Good stuff!

I've also been checking out another previously-signed Intromental band a bit closer: The Prowlers. They remind me of a younger, more progressive Gamma Ray. Check 'em out!

and keep 'em coming Claus! I know you have more announcements to make! :heh:
I've also been checking out another previously-signed Intromental band a bit closer: The Prowlers. They remind me of a younger, more progressive Gamma Ray. Check 'em out!

The Prowlers are fucking awesome. Another band from Intromental that doesnt get enough publicity is Persefone, amazing prog-death.