Official Brand New Mp3 Track!

Originally posted by MetalAges
The time has come! has a full MP3 download from the forthcoming album "The Odyssey." Enjoy!!!

Also please note, I am aware of the conflicting tour dates for the USA tour with Blind Guardian. I'm working on resolving the date problems.

Rock on, Deron! Thanks to everyone involved, from the label to the band, etc., etc. As I've noted in another post, the promo version of this song seems "more dull" than the mp3 you posted... I'm eagerly anticipating any additional news! =)
[color=#AOEOOA]Thats a nice Symphony X song, as Axegrynder mentioned, once you hear the opening riff, you know it's a good song.

Also seems slightly darker. Actually a fair bit darker.

Awaits the entire album in anticipation.[/color]
Hmmm cool. Nice groove. Needs a bit of crunch though, then it would be nice and heavy.

Good stuff.

The riffs are cool, but could do with more variation, but when they change around, it's damn good.

The solos are cool as always.

Awesome indeed.
It took all of 2 listens to grow on me. Definitely a dark tune with more atmosphere than they usually deliver. Not indicative of the "Symphony X Sound" but maybe that means they're progressing a bit.
This made my day!

The song isn't quite what I was expecting, but that's not to say that it isn't good. It's quite good. I was hoping for more crazy riffing madness though. :)

Anyone who was involved in the creation of this MP3 is my new best friend.
I have heard part of it and it truly kicks ass. For some reason my computer just keeps downloading only three minutes worth of it...quite aggravating...I want to hear the solos! I am going to try again.
Great song but it would have been better if there was some more keyboard sounds in it. It's totally guitar-driven.
Woohoo!!! I got the full file and just got my ass kicked by Michael Romeo's solo...for the love of all that is holy, how does he do that!? I am going to go sell my guitar. Symphony X rules...I need this cd now!