Official EpII SW trailer Out!

aye i saw it wen we n tiff went to see oceans 11....

dont need to see the film now... twas all in the advert... :rolleyes:

fell asleep during TPM... man that was a boreing film! no where near the origonals in terms of chemistry
Nah TPM wasn't as good as the original trilogy but I liked it. And me liking it had absolutely nothing to do with the presence of Ewan McGregor... Honest!

Either way this next one should be better... *pleads with George Lucas to make it better*
From what I've seen of EpII - it looks far better than TPM. AotC has thousands of Jedi all swinging lightsabers on a huge battlefield, with mini AT-ATs, millions of Jango-Fett (Boba's dad) clones, and stuff like that.

Best of all - Jar-Jar isn't as stupid as in EpI and there is no 9 year old child yelling "Yipee!". There is a rather annoying australian teenager playing Annakin, but we can ignore him - it's not like he's important....

Anyway - you may indeed have seen a teaser trailer, because there have been two in theaters, and one more on, that you have to have the EPI DVD to view.

But this is the official Full trailer - and will not be in theaters until Friday, opening with the IceAge film.
got all three on the laptop and the effects look awesome!

cant wait to see christopher lee fighting samuel l jackson! :cool:
The amin problem with TPM was Anakin, IMO he was far more annoying than Jar-Jar (which on the scale of things, makes him the most annoying character in anything ever)

It was still a good film but pailed in comparison to all of the first trilogy
"The ability to [walk/talk like a freak] is insignificant next to the power of [a small child]!"

"Ahh, [a small child], I thought I recognised your foul stench when I came aboard..."

"I'd rather [walk/talk like a freak]!" - "That can be arranged!"

"The more you [walk/talk like a freak], Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

"I sense something. [a small child] I've not felt since..."

"You can't win, Darth. If you [walk/talk like a freak], I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."