Saana trailer


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005
Well, it looks like Timo Tolkki fell off the wagon...Well, if he didn't, he would want to. Here is the trailer for "Saana: Warrior of Light" Sadly, it is getting universally panned. There are people that believe the CD sholud be better, for it cannot be any more laughable than the badly directed and produced trailer. For you viewing, ahem, pleasure:

Ray C.
you have GOT to be kidding me. Laughable isn't even the word... more "tragic".

One idiot in it is wearing a Stratovarius sweatshirt. And the singer at the end... what is she wearing and whats with the cheap effects... is this 1983?!
I wonder jhow many of those people who think it's too funny go bashing Timo Tolkki at every possible turn are able to realize that this is not one of those slick, polished and uber-commercial Hollywood products. :Smug:

Heck, we are talking about a shoestring budget rock opera here, a music album which has some multimedia parts used as illustrative add-ons, not an effing commercial movie amde for the masses. If it looks retro like it does, it may well be made to look like it for a reason, eh? :rolleyes:
All the recent bullshit (most of it on Finnish discussion boards) about Tolkki is circulating around his person and other non-musical things, it's just like a bunch of mental blabbermouth-kids anonymously bullying in the web for questionable fun. The bigmouths could use their time better for growing up.

I'd rather see the multimedia parts just as an exteded CD-booklet and leave it as is, and will concentrate on the music. Jennifer Sowle is an awesome classical singer and the other vocalists are also really good. I hope that they won't get tagged for wrong reasons because of performing on Tolkki's album. Also surprisingly, most of the criticizing voices do not seem to realize that Saana was never suppose to be a metal album.

Aside from hearing a couple of tracks from the CD posted on the Saana website, we do not know anything about the music yet. I will wait until I get to listen to the whole CD before posting any opinions about the actual subject, the music.

[/rant mode]

That's about it, have a nice day people :saint:

Despite budget constraints, any kid in highschool with a camcorder and a computer can create something far more professional-looking than that, easily. It's not about being commercial or Hollywood, it's about having something that lives up to the music and won't detract from the whole shebang.
Were we watching the same trailer? Personally i didn't think it was all THAT bad. If anything, i thought the music was the cheesier of the two (at least, too cheesy for my taste).
Cheese is the operable word here...the trailer oozes with it. Whether Tolki meant for it to have this retro effect as Doc mentioned, I couldn't say. Trailers aside, I'm curious about the music...I was waiting for electric guitars to kick in at some point, but I wasn't aware that it's not supposed to be a metal album