official release date

I am sick of this shit.... N-THRAX... we need this shit soon... you know the few fans you have are getting tired of this shit... i know that in the past 4 years since V8 was released you have had to of lost 25% of the fans.. so you take the 78,000 peps that bought v8.. and figure 52,000 peps might buy the new 1... I have been a fan of the THRAX 4 ever i have 48 anthrax cdys 57 shirts and so on and so on.. your fans are leaving and leaving... not to say I am but if you dont sell more than 50,000 copies of "Weve Come For You All" Dont be suprised.....
Originally posted by Buddy_Love_Bomb
I am sick of this shit.... N-THRAX... we need this shit soon... you know the few fans you have are getting tired of this shit... i know that in the past 4 years since V8 was released you have had to of lost 25% of the fans.. so you take the 78,000 peps that bought v8.. and figure 52,000 peps might buy the new 1... I have been a fan of the THRAX 4 ever i have 48 anthrax cdys 57 shirts and so on and so on.. your fans are leaving and leaving... not to say I am but if you dont sell more than 50,000 copies of "Weve Come For You All" Dont be suprised.....

Easy there!
It's not Anthrax's fault. Don't yell at them, yell at the bullshit music industry.:mad:
Yeah, yell at the bullshit music industry... and see how your face turns blue.

You obviously bought the whole story of Anthrax never having made anything wrong and how everthing is everybody elses fault.
This record could be out today if they wanted, and if music was their only concern, but it i$ not (I left a little clue in there somewhere for you).

Originally posted by Lord Darkness
Yeah, yell at the bullshit music industry... and see how your face turns blue.

You obviously bought the whole story of Anthrax never having made anything wrong and how everthing is everybody elses fault.
This record could be out today if they wanted, and if music was their only concern, but it i$ not (I left a little clue in there somewhere for you).


Hey LD, I've posted that stuff here before too, but it doesn't work with this board.. Most (not all) of these fans believe that everything that has happened to Anthrax was someone else's fault. Look, you won't find a bigger fan of these guys, but also, I'm not naive or stupid. Anthrax are culpable for there current mess just as much as the "bad labels" or "bad management" Who hires the managers??? The band does. Who chooses which label??? The band does. I'm getting tired of Anthrax using the Ramones'esque "we've been screwed by the industry" as a rallying cry. Shut up and play and already.
The only reason I don't line up behind either side of this is because no one knows exactly what the fuck is going on.

I'm just a fan like the rest of the good people here waitin for the new record.
There are alot of things that I don't like about the industry that have nothing to do with Anthrax (can you say "Britney" or "boy band"?), and while Anthrax isn't innocent in all of this, they've also had a lot of bad luck, too.

But are you surprised that money is involved? Anyone who says that they're not in this for money is's just that some bands put more stock in it than others. But as much as Anthrax is about playing kick ass metal, this is their job. If they don't get a decent return on their efforts, they're going to say "Screw this, I need to pay rent", and then we all lose out.

So I hope they do hold out releasing the album until they can get a decent deal and support, I hope the album is financially successful, and as a result, I hope Anthrax is encouraged to keep playing for another 20 years.
Word up TD.

Other bands in this world has had label problems, in fact some of the best records ever made got little or no support from their label prior or/and after the release of the album.

Great music will prevail.

Originally posted by nafnikufesin
But are you surprised that money is involved? Anyone who says that they're not in this for money is's just that some bands put more stock in it than others. But as much as Anthrax is about playing kick ass metal, this is their job. If they don't get a decent return on their efforts, they're going to say "Screw this, I need to pay rent", and then we all lose out.

This just makes me sad. Partly because this vermin called the industry has infected even the fans, but also because it's only true to those who wants it to be true.

It's not just "the industry". Like it or not, money makes the world go round. Would you do your job if you didn't get paid?

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot more respect for bands such as Anthrax that enjoy what they do, and their passion comes through in the music, compared to someone does it simply to pick up a paycheck. If Anthrax was in it solely for the money, they would have sold they asses out a la Metallica back in the early 90's. But if they weren't making any money at all, they'd have been working real jobs like you and me by the end of the 80's.
Dude, you are missing the point. I'm not saying you shouldn't get paid for what you do (how could you even get on that train of thought from what I wrote?).

Sure Anthrax isn't Brittney Spears when it comes to moneygrabbing, but it sure seems to mean a lot to them. I'm not gonna go into it again, please re-read my old posts.

I don't want to dis Anthrax or piss you guys off, some of the stuff they made ranks as my fave music. But lets face it, the three last Anthrax albums show clear evidence of them trying to get with the tide of the moment. SOWN is more grunge than anything they ever done and it came out during the peak of the grungewave.
Stomp 442 sounded a lot more Pantera than anything they'd did and that came out during thier peak.

Maybe it's more apparent to the ones of us that has listened to them from the start up until today?

And for clarification I would like to name an example; Dan Lilker.
He has continued making great music (in fact some of the best stuff ever written) that had no commercial value. Whatever label that has shown genuine interest has been able to release his work (he's been on more than ten labels). He takes time to meet with fans, and he communicates with you guys here. If he would make money from that, that would be awesome. If not, he can always fall back on the fact that he has built a legacy in the underground.

If Scott & Charlie thought about music the way he does, we would not only have heard the new album by now, it would sound better too and you wouldn't have to read what's up in the Anthrax camp on blabbershit.
