official release date

I hate to be the voice of reality here, but you're all missing one simple point.

The "industry" everyone loves to bash so much...It is completely dependent on the spending habits of the fans. Korn sells a buttload, they sign everything that looks and sounds like Korn. That's why there's 800 bands out right now that all sound alike. How else would Linkin Park get an arena tour with their debut album? So just because there are a bunch of executives that would probably serve the world better by running Enron or MCI WorldCom running the labels, they have to get their ideas from somewhere.

LD, I think you've missed several points yourself, before you go pointing fingers.

The vast majority of people on this board and who have posted in this thread have listened to Anthrax from the beginning, or at least since before Public Enemy came along. However long you've listened has nothing to do with one's ability to notice the difference between one album to the next.

So Anthrax made some bad decisions that seemed good at the time...Hell, we've all done that. I don't see how it should matter either way. Are you not going to buy the new album just because you don't happen to agree that their situation has sucked for them from time to time or because you think they brought it on themselves? I don't see how it matters, really. I listen to what I listen to because I like it, not because I think a manager in 1995 fucked up or not. It shouldn't matter to any of us because we weren't there and we'll never get the whole story anyway.

And I must ask again, how many threads are going to go in this direction? It's beyond old now.
Maybe it's just me, but I do not see SOWN as a grunge album. That album is heavy shit. I have been listening to them since the mid-80's, and if anything, with the past three albums they have gotten a lot heavier, which is anything but following the trend over the past decade.

That Stomp sounds more like Pantera shouldn't be a big surprise with Dimebag taking the lead on a number of tracks after the lazy-eyed clockmaker was sacked. Whether they were purposely going for that sound, or whether that's simply the sound that Dimebag brought to the songs (as any guitarist would bring his unique sound), I guess only the band can tell us that.

Anyway, that's my take on things. I want this album out as soon as possible, but I also want to see it do well for the boys. I'm not one of those elitist underground fans...I want everyone to hear what a fuckin' awesome album this is going to be.
Brat, to a certain extent, you're right, but unfortunately, there are way too many simple minded fans that will buy what is pushed on them. If they haven't heard it on the radio or on MTV, they won't buy it. I've actually had acquaintances that would base whether or not they like a song based on whether they've heard it on the radio...pretty sad, I know. In that respect, however, the "fans" are at the mercy of what the industry wants to promote.
The radio stations and MTV are the problem.
They brainwash America's youth. I $mell a rat.
Yeah, like that loser who is the "metal" guy on MTV, whatever his name is. He dissed Anthrax in his 20 questions, and what's sad is there is a whole generation of kids that seriously listen to what he says.

And I'm not just falling into the bands thinking, I feel this way about a lot of great metal acts that have disappeared or were never heard in the first place because nobody ever "told" the kids that they should listen to it. I listen to Anthrax because I like them, not because anybody has told me to, as I sure everyone on this board would agree. However, we're in the minority, and my worry is how many more poor selling albums will Anthrax put out before they decide to call it a day, even if the twenty regulars on this board think they're the greatest albums ever put out.
yeah we are the minority, believe it or not. Clear Channel, which owns most of the radio stations in the american nation, sends out surveys and gathers pannels to see what the majority deems radio worthy. Which is why bands try there damnedest to make at least one of the songs on thier album have that radio, corn/creed/linkin park/pop punk sound. Take incubus for instance. I f you listen to the stuff that doesn't get played on the radio. THey're like a completely different band. Most people just don't like stuff like anthrax and other good metal.