I hate to be the voice of reality here, but you're all missing one simple point.
The "industry" everyone loves to bash so much...It is completely dependent on the spending habits of the fans. Korn sells a buttload, they sign everything that looks and sounds like Korn. That's why there's 800 bands out right now that all sound alike. How else would Linkin Park get an arena tour with their debut album? So just because there are a bunch of executives that would probably serve the world better by running Enron or MCI WorldCom running the labels, they have to get their ideas from somewhere.
LD, I think you've missed several points yourself, before you go pointing fingers.
The vast majority of people on this board and who have posted in this thread have listened to Anthrax from the beginning, or at least since before Public Enemy came along. However long you've listened has nothing to do with one's ability to notice the difference between one album to the next.
So Anthrax made some bad decisions that seemed good at the time...Hell, we've all done that. I don't see how it should matter either way. Are you not going to buy the new album just because you don't happen to agree that their situation has sucked for them from time to time or because you think they brought it on themselves? I don't see how it matters, really. I listen to what I listen to because I like it, not because I think a manager in 1995 fucked up or not. It shouldn't matter to any of us because we weren't there and we'll never get the whole story anyway.
And I must ask again, how many threads are going to go in this direction? It's beyond old now.