Official "Song of the Week" 2013 thread


The Promoter
The rules:

1. You can only post once per week.
2. You can only post a single tune (clip or link).
3. 2013 releases only.
4. Song must kick all sorts of ass regardless of genre.

This will help spread the word on new stuff that can get overlooked and provide plenty of time for those that only hit the forum occasionally instead of daily.

And to start it off....

"Black Abyss" from Code of Silence. This blows the single/video they released the hell away. This is the perfect example of how to build up to a chorus.

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Excellent thread idea and great song to start it.

My contribution for the week is Persefone's Mind as Universe, off the recently released album "Spiritual Migration."

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My contribution: Guardians Of The Tomb from the latest Saxon album, Sacrifice. For me, this is a killer melodic metal song, with a great chorus. My fave song of the album.
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Gotta go with the opening track from Kingcrow's "In Crescendo"..... Right Before.

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My contribution RIVER BOMMA

John Bomma - vocals
Rod Rivera - guitars
Mike LePond - bass
Steven Riker - drums

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I've been rocking out to the new Soilwork a lot. This songs kicks ass.

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The release isn't out yet, but the first song from Dread Sovereign kicks ass and has been officially released, so I think it fits with this thread.

Thirteen Clergy to the Flames from Pray To The Devil In Man:


Band members are:

Nemtheanga - Vocals/Song writing
Sol Dubh - Drums
Bones - Guitar

Should be one of the best releases of this year.
I can't get the new Avantasia out of my head:

Edit: wow that just won't embed for me at all! Grr!
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been enjoying this one this week, England's Tainted Nation - "Loser":

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David Draiman's band Device really stepped it up from a good song in Vilify with a fucking fantastic song with Penance.

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