Official State of Origin I thread!


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Wow, surprised nobody has started one yet!

Who will win? The evil, scum-of-the-earth troublemakers that are the New South Welshmen, or the men who typify what is Good and Just in the world - the mighty QUEENSLANDERS?

This is the first Origin game in 32 years that won't be refereed by Bill Harrigan. Should be interesting.
I'd like to see a "Game of Origin", where the league takes on the cricketers to see who can make the most dirty phone calls.
Interesting. If you'd asked me in the first five minutes, I'd have definitely pegged NSW to be leading at half time - they came in much stronger than we did and their defense has been better overall, I think. We've been attacking well, though there's been some stupid things - how many Webcke offloads were dropped or completely ignored by the intented target? 3 or 4? And fucking Justin Hodges - if you're ten metres away from your own line and you've got a mark to take, you fucking take it, you don't stand there looking at the oncoming opposition like a stunned rabbit.

That was a shocking decision to disallow that first try as well. I can't say I'm sorry about it (obviously) but even though all the camera angles seemed to have someone in the way, I reckon the way the ball bounced meant it went over the top of the attacking player - it looked like a knock on at first glance, but I don't know. Still. QLD are in front, and I'm full of milo and hot chips. These things make life good.
Excellent game! :headbang: Pity about the result, and a pity at least one of Cameron Smith's goal attempts missed, but a top game nonetheless.

Justin Hodges is flamin' useless. That should be his last Origin game. At least he didn't try to pass it before he got bundled into touch.

A shame Rhys Wesser didn't get a chance to show his stuff. Billy Slater did pretty well. Webcke is a legend. Crocker smashed lots of blokes, which is fun. I kept forgetting Chris Flannery was playing. Cameron Smith did a top job.

Scott Prince was excellent. That was the best game I've seen him play - he should be the Qld halfback for the next few years, if form and injury are favourable.
Fitzgibbon is some kind of robot, as is Cameron Smith! And Steve Price doing 27 hitups and 195 metres is amazing.

I thought the first one was a try as well Wenda, I think it bounced over the both of them. I thought they would have given it back as a refs call and then it would have been a try. I think if you cant see either player touch it from any of the angles then the benefit of the doubt goes to the attacking team.

It was a great game though, I was surprised, with so many injuries and us having to throw out half the team because they are drunk pervos I didnt think the game would be that good. ALL HAIL RUGBY LEAGUE! :headbang:
He didnt play that well, but he didnt play bad enough to lose his spot, I think they will stick with the same team for the next game, barring injuries that is.
No, worst player on the field was Justin Hodges. He is ALWAYS the worst player on the field, he's a useless piece of twiddle.

I suppose I still hold a grudge against him for the 'passing-in-goal TWICE IN ONE GAME you fucking stupid moron' incident from the ghost of Origin past; but he's never done anything spectacular enough to redeem himself as a player as far as I'm concerned. The maroon selectors see something in him that I don't, obviously, but as a longtime NRL fan I reserve the right to pass bigoted and opinionated judgements on players :D
Yeah actually, Hodges was a cat. Especially in the first half when he let that ball bounce. Luckily NSW didnt score, but it could have been disasterous.

I thought Rooney and Lewis were awesome. Their runs out of Dummy half really put NSW on the front foot. They made metres everytime they took on the defence.

Spawn. Gower is out injured for game 2 and 3 which means Kimmorley will come in. I wish Kimmorley didnt play though cause we need him badly at the sharkies. Hopefully Sullivan will get a crack at the halfback spot. He has been carving em up coming off the bench at hooker
Yeah, Lewis was good - he's not familiar to me, who does he play for normally? He's a tall bugger. Was funny when Slater beat him to that mark right on the QLD line in the second half (and thank the gods he did) because Lewis was like...a foot taller than him :p

You only think Gower was the worst player on the field because he dropped the ball before he went for that field goal in the last minute :D Did you see Phil Gould's face when he did that? I think he spontaneously grew about twenty white hairs.
No, Gowers kicking game in general play was pretty poor. He wasnt very creative in attack. His 5th tackle options (in the first half especially) were poor. He made a few handling errors, and didnt really look like setting a player up for a try. Ofcourse his 3 missed field goals didnt help.
Hmm...according to the news Gower snapped his medial knee ligament fifteen minutes before the game ended:

Gould also complimented halfback Craig Gower on his toughness after the Penrith skipper snapped his medial ligament in the final 15 minutes of the match.

"They said to him you have to come off. He said 'you're kidding'. He kept tackling, he kept running.

Umm...correct me if I'm wrong, but if you actually snap that ligament your knee stops working and you can no longer walk. He might have partially torn it but snapped it? I think I smell media sensationalism...
Dammit, that means we have no halfback for the Panthers now :( Not good. Preston will have to step up.
Preston did win the Dally M in 2001 playing at halfback. I dont think you will struggle too much. A Cambell/Girdler half combo could work wonders with a few weeks under the belts. They are saying Gower 4-6 weeks
Yeah, Preston will do fine, and I would like to see Girdler in at five-eighth, we play the Bulldogs this week, so I dont know how we will go...