Official the Worst band I have ever heard.

311 is fucking awesome because they use that one break down in like every song yet have songs about being original.

this performance is fucking hilarious. check out the singer at 2:00 that shit is hilarious
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Is that Chuggo dude really wearing a Tom Brady jersey? Tom Brady?? Probably the least gangsta NFL player I can think of.
that chugga thing is just a weak rap tune. but this? this has to be a joke. someone else posted this over a month ago, but since it's come up again, i think they are becoming slightly popular.

yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is, officially, the bottom of civilisation. this is the stuff mentioned on the movie idiosincracy.

You mean Idiocrazy. Yes, I agree. That band is truely horrible.
what are the odds anyone here knows when the renaissance was

100%, cause I just entered the thread.

And the worst band I have ever heard is this local piece of shit called Spin Dizzy. Can't bother to find any material for you. Basically it's just a horrible punk rock band.

And I really mean horrible.