Official Thread for Jodie who is a lady of beauty.

its funny to imagine how a 4 years old dead girl becomes the most annoying girl in the world

Front page of every British newspaper for the last 135 days or so. Even the floods that claimed a few peoples lives during our summer got shunted to page 7 or something. One of the pages which didnt have Madeline McCann, tits, or politicians (oops sorry, I mentioned tits already).
I like the different approach, but im still not joining your truce. Unless you can arrange an Argentina - England showdown. World Cup final and we win 5 - 1. Arrange it and call me plz.
Haha we're doing quite fine at the World Cup. I saw how the South Africans pwned you really bad. I hope we cross paths, but that would only be in the final, so i'm guess it isn't gonna happen.
I'm unfamiliar with this Zanger Bob character. I just thought it was a picture of some fat kid with a funny caption.

:lol::lol: i thought you put the caption onto some fat kid's's even funnier that he's a "famous" fat kid :lol:

@ the the lovely nikki :kickass: hope you're having some cranberry vodka goodness tonight!