¡¡¡ The Official Thread for Lady Laiho, who by the way is a lady of beauty !!!

Well I am shocked, I never thought Lady Laiho would be a black lady, thought black people were into R&B and Soul, Well don't we all learn something new each day!
And Hey! Lady Laiho has never posted anything insulting to anyone on this board as far as I am concerned, she got manners in that respect doesn't she?

I never thought she would be Black either. I guess I shouldn't assume...
"Lady Laiho has never posted anything insulting to anyone on this board as far as I am concerned."
she has indeed. Many times when her chances with Laiho are described by other board members. I enjoy talking to Leena for the most part though.
havent seen laidy laiho on the off topic section for a few days...seen her on the official section tho...so if u wanna give her bad rep you know where she is ;) :p
I never thought she would be Black either. I guess I shouldn't assume...
"Lady Laiho has never posted anything insulting to anyone on this board as far as I am concerned."
she has indeed. Many times when her chances with Laiho are described by other board members. I enjoy talking to Leena for the most part though.

I thought you and Ryan broke up or died or something :goggly:
AMG BANZ0RZ! :lol:

I despise the 'n' words... :rolleyes: But no, it's not. You add the country name after "african" according to your location, it's that simple dude. :Smug: This post is beneath you :p

and btw I don't even use colour in a story (unlike most people) unless it's of relevance, for example:

if I saw a black guy in a store trying on a stupid hat, I wouldn't go and tell my friend later on "I saw this black guy in the store trying on a totally gay hat"... I'd just say "I saw a guy trying on a really retarded hat"... stating the colour of the person's skin doesn't even occur to me.

Well as long as he doesn't say a "burnt brit" it's ok :lol:
Yeah, I don't judge people, racism is pathetic, perhaps not for themed jokes but I only ever stereotype in a way to categorize how people dislike my kin aswell. I.e. several asians, particularly of muslim origin send insults at me, or give dirty looks. I won't be shallow and ignore a person purely because he's black or white, because it really is the inside that counts, and I think the only time this doesn't apply is if you're in a job interview, a pornography magazine, or working a particular job where eye candy counts.
I'm not racist, but I'm not hypocrite.

I know everybody can be very special, or a stupid cunt, whatever his skincolor is, I know that they are human, and etc.

But I also know that I'm more attracted, in a friendly and/or sexual way, by white people.
you know, I always thought negro was a polite way to say african american.
Kayos: But i only cuss people out when they say stuff about Alexi. If it's not about Alexi, then i'm cool.

Stripflash: Well i'm insulted. DUUUUDDEEE, i'm not black...i'm asain like Heartless said!!!!! You can call me ugly if you want. I don't give two fucks but don't ever call me something that i'm not.
I was just kidding about that Alexi thing. I was just having a little fun cuz honestly i'm not all fuckin crazy about him the way i used to be. I mean i still love him to death but some of the passion has faded. I think those banns straightened me out.
I really didn't expect her to be a fucking Sherpa though :lol:
MEAN! :lol: But funny... :p
I was just kidding about that Alexi thing. I was just having a little fun cuz honestly i'm not all fuckin crazy about him the way i used to be. I mean i still love him to death but some of the passion has faded. I think those banns straightened me out.

Wow, so a ban from an internet forum diminished your feelings for him... wow, that's true commitment if I ever saw it. Seems like you love the forum more than him, wouldn't you say?