Oh look, Shameless Promotion!

Well, I was thinking maybe we can turn this into a "Shamelessly Promote your own Band" thread. I dont know if it's been done before, but I couldn't find anything in the old threads... But anyways, I'm interested to see how many ppl here are musically active (either playing on ur own or in a band)

So here we go:
There's only samples up there... we're currently looking for a vocalist to finish recording our demo, Any opinion/critique/feedback is appreciated....
i can't stop laughing at the immortal clip :lol: :lol: :lol:
seriously... what the fuck were they thinking?!?!?
Mother North video is also absolutely trash. It's not as funny as the Immortal one though. I wish they didn't shoot a video for that song. I actually like it, but feel embaressed about liking it knowing what the video is like. Fuel for Hatred is well shot, but again they should not have done the naked woman thing again.
I like the simplicity of the new Darkthrone video for Too Old, Too Cold. Burzum's Dunkelheit is probably the best black metal video I know of.

my example of a good video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Az_7U0-cK0