oh man I'm frying here

uh, where are you now? Virrat or Helsinki?

Virrat, 100km north from Tampere

In how much time did it change ? Just the morning ?

it rose like 20C in less than a week

The funny thing I've found about our winters is that even though it's +10C in the mornings (yeah, during the days it's warmer) is that +10C with our climate and often wind chill feel alot closer to what 0-5C felt like when I was in Germany.

...But it's still not -28C
for Canada? I would say 10+ woudl be a damn warm summer in some parts of canada hahaha I have friends living in Calgary that say "wow I'm frying here, it's -6°C" hahaha

What the hell haha!

Over here in Québec (which is pretty far from Alberta though) we get 25,30 in hot summer days and -20,-25 on cold winter days.

But 35? In May? Damn! :erk:
that is sad, 35? even in California right now, of all places, is much cooler than that. Right now we have been hitting highs of 25-28 and should be seeing 20-23 for the next few days and we are still seeing lows as far as 7.

moral of the story, sucks to be Finland right now.
at that temperature that's when we swedes and fins put on our army-shorts

:lol: Oh God, I hope they're not going to play the dancing Viking video again!

+19C here, winter in 2 weeks, I'm feeling cold in the mornings. I can't believe it gets down to -28C, I've been in -9C, I thought I was going to die.