Oh man...it's horrible, but I can relate...

The worst is when wailing children are brought into a library by their mothers when you're trying to read, good fuck it makes me want to shove a load of shit in their mouth to shut 'em up:erk:
World's greatest hero.

I hate the world we live in where you can't even slap your own kids for being tantrum throwing little cunts.

God help whatever offspring come from my carnivorous carnality. I will whip the piss out of them.
you know, this'll make me the asshole (and that's fine) but i totally agree with that guy. i live above a couple of shitty parents whose year old baby screams and cries all the fucking time and it doesn't sound like they do much to stop it, so i'm pretty sick of babies crying. babies who aren't mine that affect my day can go fuck themselves. or at least the shitty parents who don't know how to properly take care of said babies can go fuck themselves.
I hate the world we live in where you can't even slap your own kids for being tantrum throwing little cunts.


Kids these days are total brats because they get whatever they want. No respect for anyone else because they never get disciplined.

However, I think he was wrong (altho it probably taught the kid a good lesson.. probably did more good than harm).
fuck yea! :headbang: good for him... and it sucks that he's gonna go to jail for it. but if i were the officer, i prolly woulda high five'd him and arrested the mom for creating a public fucking disturbance!

but thats why i dont get to play with guns :p
I don´t have childrens yet but i feel if a crazy old fart try to hit one of my children, i would probably beat tha crap out of him, no matter the reason.
Good for that old dude!!! The only thing wrong here as far as I can tell is that he did what we all think about. I'll probably cop it from some of you but, truth be known, its in the bible...
Proverbs 13:24 "He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly."
I think the bible is a little too condoning of punishment for a wide variety of trespasses both large and small but it makes a great point in this instance.

Undisciplined kids grow up to be Paris Hilton.
gonna be the odd man out but...

cmon the fucking kid was 2 years old, yeah it suck's but KIDS FUCKING CRY. thats what they do. the parent should have done something to make the kid stop.(and who knows maybe she did) but sometimes you cant stop a young child from crying. depending on how the intense the situation children cant control all the emotion and have no idea how to deal with it at that age. mostly because lack of understanding.

i dont think it was right for that guy to do. he could of easily just walked away pissed. and that would of been that. no need for police or prison. way to waste the rest of your life.
that guy deserves to go to prison. give me a break. you don't hit a kid, for any reason. i'm a parent of two toddlers. as recemgsol mentioned, kids cry. it's a fact of life. before being a parent i was like most of you... wondering what the hell was wrong with any parent who brought a crying kid into a store - or worse a restaurant where i'm paying good money to have a meal or some peace. but again, KIDS FUCKING CRY. they cry for a LOT of reasons, and trust me - it's not just to piss you or me off. they're emotionally and mentally immature. crying is their way of communicating. unlike you and I that just say whatever the hell we need to say - kids can't always do that.

i'm all for discipline, but regardless of any of this, you just don't hit a kid. i would have laid the fucker out if he had done that to one of my kids.
As a kid, you will do what you are taught to get away with! I always blame the parenting of these so called "cunts" of children. How many times have you been in a supermarket, when a youngin is throwing a tantrum? And what are the two most common things that comes out of the mothers mouth? "If you carrying on like this, Im going to leave you here!". I CALL BULLSHIT!. The other "Oh, look at this, yummy yummy chocolate!" Congratulations dickhead, you have now taught your young one that if he/she throws a tantrum, he/she will be rewarded for it, or in the first case, threatened in a manner that will not be carried out, teaching the child that when you say something, you dont mean it!. Quick little bandaid fixes that come back 10 fold to bite you in the arse.

As for swiping a kid across the head, pathetic, no brains and a lazy attitude towards proper discipline. Kids learn to talk, walk, eat, grab, use, poo, piss and cry, all before the age of 3! This is the time frame to teach young kids what is right and wrong and what is expected of them, preparing them for when they get older. Fuck this "wheres your blankey" bullshit. Its "go and get your blanket thankyou". Discipline starts from day 1, not when they are about to start school. The only time for swiping a kid across the head is when your 3 year old son picks up a barbie doll and starts playing with it. A swift backhander, followed with a stern "Dont be a poof!" should suffice. :heh:
As a kid, you will do what you are taught to get away with! I always blame the parenting of these so called "cunts" of children. How many times have you been in a supermarket, when a youngin is throwing a tantrum? And what are the two most common things that comes out of the mothers mouth? "If you carrying on like this, Im going to leave you here!". I CALL BULLSHIT!. The other "Oh, look at this, yummy yummy chocolate!" Congratulations dickhead, you have now taught your young one that if he/she throws a tantrum, he/she will be rewarded for it, or in the first case, threatened in a manner that will not be carried out, teaching the child that when you say something, you dont mean it!. Quick little bandaid fixes that come back 10 fold to bite you in the arse.

As for swiping a kid across the head, pathetic, no brains and a lazy attitude towards proper discipline. Kids learn to talk, walk, eat, grab, use, poo, piss and cry, all before the age of 3! This is the time frame to teach young kids what is right and wrong and what is expected of them, preparing them for when they get older. Fuck this "wheres your blankey" bullshit. Its "go and get your blanket thankyou". Discipline starts from day 1, not when they are about to start school. The only time for swiping a kid across the head is when your 3 year old son picks up a barbie doll and starts playing with it. A swift backhander, followed with a stern "Dont be a poof!" should suffice. :heh:

+fucking gazillion infinities man
gonna be the odd man out but...

cmon the fucking kid was 2 years old, yeah it suck's but KIDS FUCKING CRY. thats what they do. the parent should have done something to make the kid stop.(and who knows maybe she did) but sometimes you cant stop a young child from crying. depending on how the intense the situation children cant control all the emotion and have no idea how to deal with it at that age. mostly because lack of understanding.

i dont think it was right for that guy to do. he could of easily just walked away pissed. and that would of been that. no need for police or prison. way to waste the rest of your life.


Taking care of your loud annoying kids is cool, but if some fuck slapped my kid, he or she would wake up missing teeth.
Come on guys, we have no reason to think that the kid was an undisciplined little shit. All kids cry sometimes, even the best ones. That's how they express emotions that they can't express in any other way.

I've had my kid, who is generally really well behaved and consistently disciplined, break into a screaming crying fit in the middle of a store before. It's embarassing, and you do whatever you can to try and comfort them or get them to calm down - but sometimes you just can't.

If some mother fucker slapped my kid he wouldn't have to worry about the cops. I would.
Come on guys, we have no reason to think that the kid was an undisciplined little shit. All kids cry sometimes, even the best ones. That's how they express emotions that they can't express in any other way.

I've had my kid, who is generally really well behaved and consistently disciplined, break into a screaming crying fit in the middle of a store before. It's embarassing, and you do whatever you can to try and comfort them or get them to calm down - but sometimes you just can't.

If some mother fucker slapped my kid he wouldn't have to worry about the cops. I would.


I have 3 kids - they cry. It sucks, yes, but if someone slapped... well, not even slapped - if some asshole even TOUCHED my kid, they would be hospitalized, and I would be in jail.