As a kid, you will do what you are taught to get away with! I always blame the parenting of these so called "cunts" of children. How many times have you been in a supermarket, when a youngin is throwing a tantrum? And what are the two most common things that comes out of the mothers mouth? "If you carrying on like this, Im going to leave you here!". I CALL BULLSHIT!. The other "Oh, look at this, yummy yummy chocolate!" Congratulations dickhead, you have now taught your young one that if he/she throws a tantrum, he/she will be rewarded for it, or in the first case, threatened in a manner that will not be carried out, teaching the child that when you say something, you dont mean it!. Quick little bandaid fixes that come back 10 fold to bite you in the arse.
As for swiping a kid across the head, pathetic, no brains and a lazy attitude towards proper discipline. Kids learn to talk, walk, eat, grab, use, poo, piss and cry, all before the age of 3! This is the time frame to teach young kids what is right and wrong and what is expected of them, preparing them for when they get older. Fuck this "wheres your blankey" bullshit. Its "go and get your blanket thankyou". Discipline starts from day 1, not when they are about to start school. The only time for swiping a kid across the head is when your 3 year old son picks up a barbie doll and starts playing with it. A swift backhander, followed with a stern "Dont be a poof!" should suffice.