oh shiet, Blind guardian used to thrash!

The saYer

Aug 17, 2003
bay area
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I just bought the first blind guardian and expected their regular power mtl sound, but instead it was thrash! what a pleasant surprise, is their second album like that too?
Kind of. Blind Guardian started as a speed band (or thrash depend on your view). Still towards "Follow The Blind" they were more on the speed side than on the Euro power one, being the definitive transition "Tales From The Twilight World"
Wyvern said:
Kind of. Blind Guardian started as a speed band (or thrash depend on your view). Still towards "Follow The Blind" they were more on the speed side than on the Euro power one, being the definitive transition "Tales From The Twilight World"

I kinda miss that speedy side of Blind Guardian.
The last album is slightly overdone, with those massive choruses and guitar orchestras... "Imaginations..." is a perfect balance IMO, I wish the next album would go in that direction a bit.
A bit OT: I've seen tracklistings for new Demons & Wizards around, can't wait to hear it! :headbang:
Jean-Pierre said:

The Speedy side of Blind Guardian is alive and kicking, dudes.

that is AWESOME!! It sounds like it came straight out of the early BG catalogue.
Oh, am I glad about this news about Thomen. :headbang:
I was afraid he'd go "modern" all of a sudden, hearing he's working on a project with a Soilwork singer, but from this perspective, I'd say Thomen's the man when it comes to BG!
Witchhunter and myself often discussed how nice it would be for BG to go back to their roots a bit and both were amazed by Persuader, and now Thomen seems to have read our minds. :D

Go Thomen! :worship:

edit: you can all visit Thomen's site at www.thomen.de and listen to the two Savage Circus tracks and see for yourself... :headbang: