Oh sorry, wrong house.......


Jul 14, 2003
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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A California man has pleaded guilty to residential burglary after he set up a meeting with a woman on a rape fantasy Internet chat page, but instead broke into a different woman's apartment.

Michael Todd Howard, 35, pleaded guilty in a court in San Diego on Tuesday in return for an expected sentence of one year in jail and probation, prosecutors said.

According to court documents, last September, Howard broke into the home of a woman with whom he thought he had set up an encounter on what was described as a "rape fantasy" chat site. After he entered the wrong apartment, he hit and struggled with the 25-year-old woman inside, who told law enforcement officials she thought she was going to be killed.

The victim stopped the attack by yelling and attacking Howard's testicles. Howard then asked for the name the victim used in the chat room and she responded by saying she had never visited a chat room and did not have a personal computer.

As a part of the plea deal, prosecutors dropped charges of intent to commit rape, false imprisonment and possession of illegal drugs. Howard will be sentenced next month.
_________________________________________________________________Attacking his testicles.......thats great.
man, thats too funny, i dont get how people get into these sexual fantasies and shit, i mean for me......damn, its just about gettin my wang stroked, thats all that matters, i dont care about riding some horse into a meddow and bangin some virgin princess, i like it simple and non anal.
sounds like a highly imaginative excuse to me.
but i guess they must have checked his interenet history to make sure he wasn't lying.

silly idiot!
Metal Maiden said:

I like to send these stories to other people, but I would rather send them to the original sotry rather than a post on a message board. Besides, slappy should be including the link anyway. At some message boards the mods don't allow people to copy and paste stories at all, only link. I don't really care, but not including the link violates some standard of decency.

NP: Black Sabbath - Past Lives
jdelpi said:

I like to send these stories to other people, but I would rather send them to the original sotry rather than a post on a message board. Besides, slappy should be including the link anyway. At some message boards the mods don't allow people to copy and paste stories at all, only link. I don't really care, but not including the link violates some standard of decency.

NP: Black Sabbath - Past Lives
Oh, didnt mean to be indecent. There will be links galore from now on. It did have the news source though, that counts for something, right?