Oh. Sweet. Jesus. Read this shit.

I think he is just shitting over nothing really. Nobody has to buy live CDs nor DVDs if they don't like it. It's simple as that. I personally have nothing against this new DVD (nor the CD) because I love that kind of stuff.

I mean, it's just his opinion...Who really gives a shit?
hmm, the guy seems to think that Lamentations was released after Ghost Reveries, perhaps he is referring to the re-issue? ... oh well, he obviously doesn't follow Opeth and is not aware of what drives the band and stuff. his logic makes some sense, but just for an outsider with wrong information. someone should tell him that Lamentations was released 4 years ago instead of 2 and that they couldn't play old stuff for that DVD.
otherwise he is positive about Opeth, so that's still nice :p
What the fuck is he talking about? All I read was moooooooan.... he should stop moaning. That was useless.
I have no idea how that guy can foresee that much shit from the release of a god damn live album, that's not even from the same label as the previous one.

The most stupid thing he said was that crap about why it was such a bad thing to hold on to the past, and not just put tracks from Ghost Reveries on the CD. That's bullshit. That would be the obvious thing to do do, but not doing what's obvious is what Opeth is all about, and that is how they have come so far as they have. I think that putting on songs from the old albums show nothing else than pride. That Opeth is proud of what they have done in the past even though it may not be what they have become so popular from.

I haven't got time to comment of the rest of the shit the guy wrote. But in short it would be something like "Don't you get it?"
Yeah, I've read this review a while ago, and it really seems like the reviewer doesn't give a damn if they play well on the record.
He just keeps complaining about the fact that it is a LIVE album. Such a shame, since it's written farely well.
This reviewer is an idiot. He clearly has little or no knowledge of the band, and never even speaks about Axe's drumming as a new member or the overall quality of the live performance.
He's bitching about them not changing songs played live from the studio version?

Well for one thing, there's keyboards in Night and Silent Water where as there are none in the studio version, and I know its not on this DVD, but Closure has been played with a completely different middle 'spacey part' two different ways. What a dumb ass
I posted on there (2nd reply on the 4th page) all the facts about what the reviewer got wrong in his review. So far he hasn't rebutted these points...
he also forget that the disc was released on peaceville, so getting out of their deal with roadrunner really has nothing to do with it....
AND there's a spelling error in this sentence: "It's inescapable though that despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with the music on here when taken out of context, the existance of this album makes me feel quite worried and slightly angry."
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