Oh! The Irony (Rise Records)


New Metal Member
Jul 16, 2011
Oh! The Irony, a local band from Chicago, IL south side.

Check our song on Youtube ->

"Like" us on Facebook -> http://www.facebook.com/ohtheirony01?sk=wall

Do you think we should be sign to Rise Record??, make it possible by "Like" ing us on Facebook and Subscribing to us on Youtube!~!:headbang:

Thanks for your time :DDDD! We will be coming out with 3 new song very soon!:kickass:
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Once I was walking through the desert in the west. Not a soul was to be seen, and my own seemed to fade too. In my mind I knew that the end was coming, it was just a question about how long I could stand the hunger and heat before giving in. After countless hours of walking my worries went over to panic, was it any point to continue or should I just lay down and wait for the mighty sun to finish me off?
I said to myself, no matter how bad things might seem you should never quit or give up.
But this was so bad that i died.
oh my god! LOOOOOOL! Thank you for cheering up my otherwise really crappy day!

Also, have you ever heard of pitch correction? It would do wonders to that shitty singing. If you don't know how to sing, don't do it please. Actually, don't even attempt at creating any sort of music plz :(
Is this band signed by Rise Records? Because the title makes me think so.
And the clean vocals and originality too.
Check our song on Youtube ->

Haha, seriously guys, this must be a joke, OP is trolling.
Hilariously bad music and even worse vocals, talking about rise records and calling the band "oh! the irony"....

There's no way the OP can be serious.