Oh what the shit


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
Look - can people please stop spamming the fuck out of this forum - we spam it enough as is, we don't need this pointless bullshit - skeeter im talking about you. douchebag - goddammit
I hate to be snotty....but days like today? Really make me not want to come back. I get to having a little bit of fun, get involved in a few threads, and someone always comes along, and does stuff like this. I don't even want to come back anymore. ( I probably will...don't get me wrong, but it really makes you want to leave.)
fuck this kid hes an asshole for doing this
i would like to ban him and smash his head open with a led pipe
I just sent a bad report. I am mod and admin at the other boards I post at so when I saw the spam I looked for the delete button. It was funny to me.

EDIT: funny that I spaced out and thought I was a mod